relentless_eduardo mastodon (AP)
since you have been trying to genocide the Israelis for the the last 70 years, that might not be surprising
Stu 🇵🇸 mastodon (AP)

Oh. Right.

Off you fuck, Zionist dick.

@relentless_eduardo Typical far-right murderer assholes supporters' behavior, to accuse others of what your gurus are actually doing: Almost 80 years of colonization…

You are all the same, your hateful "arguments" to support racism and mass murders, are predictable… Be it netanyahu's supporters or any other far-right gov's, anywhere…

Fuck of! Go somewhere else to support your fascist, war-monger, racist and mass-murderer, far-right government… 🖕

@yousefzeyad52 @lebanon @palestine @FloydyStu

Nanook friendica
Who wouldn't want to genocide a race that controls the worlds banking, food supplies, and pharmacy, takes over other peoples lands, bulldozes their houses while they're in them, torches their farms, and machine guns their children? I mean what is not to love about that? Still I don't blame the 3% of Israelis who real Jews for this, I blame the 97% hedonistic Ashkanazi Baal and Marduk worshipers, the child sacrificers from Babylon for this.

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