Rodrigo RM diaspora

Countries will realize that World War III has begun when missiles start raining down on their homeland

12 Mar 2023 - 17:57

But by then it will be too late!

Since Joe Biden entered the White House, relations with both Russia and China have been steadily swirling and it looks like the military could soon be forced to fight both at the same time.

In Russia, regular television programs were interrupted by a message telling viewers to take their antiradiation pills and head for the nearest bomb shelters.

Russians were warned yesterday to take their anti-radioactive pills and rush to their nearest nuclear bomb shelters after hackers hacked into state television servers to broadcast chilling messages.

Was it hackers or a surprise drill? It was certainly an exercise before the reality of the nukes.

TV and radio programs in Moscow and the Sverdlovsk region, including the city of Ekaterinburg, were interrupted with an alarming message telling citizens that a missile attack had taken place on Russian soil.

The population was urged to take potassium iodide pills, wear gas masks to protect themselves and seek shelter.

But the truth is that we will all need anti-radiation pills if this madness does not end.

Both sides just keep escalating things. On Thursday, the Russians hit Ukrainian cities with their biggest missile attack in weeks.

Ukraine's armed forces chief said Russia fired 81 missiles into Ukrainian territory Thursday morning, including six supersonic "kinzhal" missiles that its air force cannot intercept.

Kiev's mayor Vitaly Klitschko said the capital experienced a series of explosions that damaged energy infrastructure and injured several civilians. In his most recent Telegram post, Klitschko said that due to extraordinary power cuts following the missile attack, 40 percent of the capital's consumers are now without heating.

Russia had not used Kinzhal supersonic missiles since the early weeks of the war.

These missiles are absolutely devastating because they can fly at speeds that are absolutely breathtaking.

The Kinzhal, unveiled by Russian President Vladimir Putin five years ago, can accelerate to Mach 4 - four times the speed of sound - and can reach speeds of up to Mach 10, with a range of about 1,250 miles. The missile is also believed to be nuclear powered.

An even more sophisticated weapon, the Russian Avangard supersonic glide vehicle, can fly at speeds of up to 27 Mach, according to the Kremlin. Another supersonic, the Zircon anti-ship missile, has also been deployed, but there are no reports of Zircon or Avangard being used in combat.

The US has poured nearly $200 billion into this conflict so far, but the Russians continue to gain more ground.

Even with all the help we've given them, the Ukrainians are simply outmatched, and at this point even Ukrainian news sources openly acknowledge the reality of what has happened in places like Bahmut.

The Kyiv Independent recently interviewed soldiers on the front line and issued a surprisingly blunt assessment (given that it's obviously a news source on the Ukrainian side) that Ukrainian soldiers are largely " unprepared, poorly trained battalions thrown into the front-line meat grinder to survive as best they could with minimal support from armored vehicles, mortars, artillery, drones and tactical intelligence."

If politicians on both sides and their families really had to fight these wars, they would end the war very quickly.

I think things could soon go to a whole new level.

Once they lose Bahmut, the Ukrainians will become very desperate and may end up doing something really stupid.

Speaking for the foolish, highly respected journalist Seymour Hersh says the Biden administration's approach to Ukraine is "very scary and very foolish."

Do they really want to get NATO into a war? No doubt we've increased the number of U.S. troops in Poland, secretly, and they're deploying a lot more weapons in that region. I suppose they may push NATO to make a physical presence.

An increasing presence of Russian submarines off the coast of the US.

As Russian President Vladimir Putin's war in Ukraine continues to rage, U.S. commanders and military observers are sounding the alarm about Russian submarine fleet activity thousands of miles away off the U.S. coast.

Throughout the war, which began when Putin launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine last February, there has been a buildup of Russian naval forces in the Black Sea. There has also been a growing presence of Russian submarines off the U.S. coast and in the Mediterranean, according to officials.

Meanwhile, one of the Chinese military's top officers publicly said it is time to "concentrate our efforts on preparations for war."

Stressing the urgency of Beijing on Sunday, one of China's two most senior military officers, Zhang Youxia, called on the People's Liberation Army to "concentrate its efforts on preparations for war."

If the Chinese did not intend to invade Taiwan, they would have no reason to prepare for war.

But the truth is that they know they are going to invade, and they also know that it will mean war with the United States.

Of course, the US military is quickly preparing for such a conflict. The following comes from a very interesting article in The Economist about US preparations for a war with the Chinese.

The Marines are training for a war with China, probably precipitated by an invasion of Taiwan.

Their base in Okinawa, at the southern tip of the Japanese archipelago, is just 600 kilometers (370 miles) from Taiwan. The two islands are part of what U.S. military planners call the "first island chain": a series of archipelagos and islands, large and small, stretching from Japan to Malaysia, blocking naval passage from China to the Pacific.

Whether carrying Chinese ships at a distance or - far less likely - deploying to Taiwan to help repel a Chinese invasion, the Marines will be involved early in any conflict.

Before I end this article, I want to make sure no one forgets the Middle East.

War is coming there too, and it will be absolutely terrible.

Things are so tense in the region right now, and we have just witnessed horrible statements that portend catastrophic war.…

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