I could hear Jared Taylor's voice in my head the whole time, lol:

" Nearly 38 percent of women — twice the percentage of men — think a point of view can be like a punch in the face. Moving to the right, the pink and gray lines, more than 40 percent of the non-cissies and non-heteros take the same nutty position, with lower numbers for normal people. Moving over to the green bars, whites, as expected, are not as nutty as non-whites, but even non-whites are slightly less nutty than women: 37.2 percent for them versus 37.7 percent for women. In yellow, we have levels of craziness by academic discipline, with people in humanities and social sciences most likely to think an opinion might as well be violence, and more good sense in science and business. On the right in purple, we have what would you’d expect: Very liberal students are the nuttiest of all, but even 10 percent of the “very conservatives” over on the end think the wrong opinion “can be seen as violence.”"

The kids are most certainly not OK.