Till Reexamined

Whether you like it or not, they have built a solid case:

"The answer is “Yes.” The heritability of psychopathic traits is high. For “fearless dominance,” it is 0.42, which means 42 percent of the variance for this trait is genetic. For impulsive antisocial behavior, heritability is 0.51, and for externalizing aggression it is 0.7 "


"She claimed that many innocent black GIs were executed during the war for having sexual affairs with white married women, who rescued their marriages by claiming they were raped. She implied that this may have been true of her estranged husband. Emmett knew in 1955 that his father was not a “war hero.” Mamie told Emmett about a vague military telegram that said his father was guilty of “wilful misconduct.”

"But amateur boxer Louis Till’s pre-war character and behavior, which included brutal domestic abuse, was also entirely in line with his being capable of rape and murder. After a trivial disagreement with Mamie—Louis didn’t want her to eat her mother’s vegetables because he was jealous of her mother’s cooking—”the next thing I knew he had pounced on me,” Mamie recalled: ..."


"Mamie’s book hints at other relevant factors. Emmett was a breech birth, a risk factor for later antisocial behavior and psychopathology due to brain damage."


"As well, witnesses couldn’t believe Emmett Till’s fearlessness as the white men took him away. His cousins recall having to monitor him at all times, even when in a store, which implies that he did not know how to behave or, more likely, did know and didn’t care. Mamie had given him “The Talk,” emphasizing that he must abide by the segregationist code of the time. Till willfully ignored this, even failing to address his abductors as “sir” in what would have been seen as a serious act of “disrespect.”"

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