Dariusmiles2123 via Linux lemmy (AP)

Looking for a distribution that I could replicate from one computer to another

Hi everyone,

I’ve been a happy user of Fedora Workstation since Fedora 36 on my Surface Go 1.

I really enjoy Gnome and everything is set up the way I want to.

Since I was really happy with my setup I just wanted to be able to replicate it easily through Clonezilla so that I could port it on any future computer I’d get.

Sadly, even with the help of really helpful and knowledgeable users on Lemmy, it hasn’t worked (

So now I’m left wondering if there could be a distribution that I’d enjoy and which would be easy to deploy on another computer as I’d hate to have to configure everything on every computer I’d get.

I love Gnome but I wouldn’t be against trying something else if necessary.

What distribution could meet my needs?

Can't boot Clonezilla image from Surface Go 1 to Acer Apire 5737z

Hi everyone,

I have a finely tuned Fedora 40 image that I cloned using Clonezilla (see:

I wanted to deploy it on my old Acer Aspire 5737z but it won’t boot. It’s just displaying a — on a black screen for hours.

I’m not so knowledgeable but I guess it means I would have to reinstall the GRUB or whatever.

I’ve booted into my Fedora Live USB and tried the lsblk command people were talking about on the web (I don’t understand the terminal). Here's the result.

I think the SDA disk is the one I would like to boot from.

Can anyone help me understand what I have to do 😇🙏

This entry was edited (1 day ago)
36 2 1
MyNameIsRichard lemmy (AP)
NixOS. A big learning curve but replicable.
35 3 1
Lokidawg lemmy (AP)
++. Yes, and not your standard Linux distro in design, never mind the hurdle of understanding Nix expressions and functional programming language. However, once tweaked, deployment on multiple machines is straightforward.
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nfms lemmy (AP)
NixOS is the sort answer. It's reproducible across hardware. But I've never tested it.
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Jure Repinc lemmy (AP)

Cloning the system and home partitions always worked fine for me with openSUSE Tumbleweed with KDE Plasma desktop. Another option openSUSE offers is AutoYaST

AutoYaST is a system for unattended mass deployment of openSUSE Leap systems. It uses an AutoYaST profile that contains installation and configuration data.
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hanke lemmy (AP)

NixOS is exactly what you want.

You declare your configs in a way that you can just copy them to another computer and it willbe configured the same way.

I've never tried it my self, but I might for my next machine.

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itslilith lemmy (AP)

For reproducibility, nothing really beats NixOS. That's not really what you're asking for, as that would not involve Clonezilla.

If you're frequently switching hardware, and want to have everything up and running, configured to your liking, in minutes, you're gonna have fun with NixOS in the long term. But I'm not gonna sugarcoat it, it has a steep learning curve and does require you to enjoy some tinkering. Worth it, imo

Otherwise, just pick a distro that you enjoy and create a separate home partition, when it's time to switch you do a fresh install and clone only the home partition. That'll get you 90% of the way to have your old setup on the new device

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Dariusmiles2123 lemmy (AP)

But what is a home partition?

I mean for me the problem is backing up my settings (including for every app) and I don't know where they are saved.

Backing up my pictures, documents and others isn't a problem.

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Aatube mbin (AP)
Usually your settings are saved under ~/.config
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flashgnash lemmy (AP)

Your settings for the most part are in your home directory, generally when you install a Linux system everything that isn't the bootloader is on one partition (system, installed applications, etc)

Your home directory is for anything specific to your user, meaning your downloads folder, your pictures, documents and also your .config folder which holds 90% of the config files

There are some weird ones that have directories outside of home, afaik that's stuff like network manager remembering your saved networks that runs outside of your user context

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Eeyore_Syndrome lemmy (AP)

Make your own Atomic Fedora.

Or tryout Project Bluefin.

Bazzite is also available in gnome.

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Dariusmiles2123 lemmy (AP)

Could I make an image of my Fedora Workstation install?

I'm struggling to understand what all these ublue or other images are..

Tobias Hunger lemmy (AP)

Any of the many immutable distros (vanilla os, fedora silverblue, bluefin, aeon, endless os, pure os, ...) will all obviously work.

Most of your customizations will live in your home directory anyway, so the details of the host OS do not matter too much. As long as it comes with the UI you like, you will be mostly fine. And yku said you like gnome, that installs many apps from flathub anyway and they work just fine from there.

For development work you just set up a distrobox/toolbox container and are ready to go with everything you need. I much prefer that over working on the "real system" as I can have different environments for different projects and do not have to polute my system with all kinds of dependencies that are useless to the functionality of my system.

NixOS is ofmcourse also an option and is quasi-immutable, but it is also much more complicated to manage.

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SavvyWolf lemmy (AP)

So the question is this: Do you want to be able to reproduce the system exactly, or are you fine taking a few hours to reinstall software. If you're just wanting to keep settings and data for apps rather than the apps themselves, you can cut down on your storage requirements a lot.

If it's the latter, all of your user settings should be in your home directory ("/home/username" or just "~"). If you back that up, you should be able to recover your settings and data on a fresh install of your distro of choice.

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flashgnash lemmy (AP)

I'd jump on the bandwagon of nixos, I use it myself and love it, does exactly what you're asking for

However judging on some of your other comments it might be a better idea to just suck up having to manually rebuild until you understand the basics of Linux a little better

(nixos more or less requires you understand programming syntax for writing your system config)

20 1 1
Possibly linux lemmy (AP)

Can you just make a base image and then clone the image across. You would need to change the machine ID but that's pretty easy to do.

Alternatively you could use Ansible pull on a fresh install to set everything up

Dariusmiles2123 lemmy (AP)
How can you just make a base image and change the machine ID?
Possibly linux lemmy (AP)

You install it and then save a copy of the disk. This is very similar to a VM template so I will just link instructions for that. The difference is you are using physical hardware.…

Lucy :3 lemmy (AP)
If you want to actually replicate one to one - any distro, and use dd or netcat to transfer the root partition. Reinstall the bootloader, update BLKIDs and you're done. Worked for me multiple times.
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TeryVeneno lemmy (AP)
If you want something simple that does this for you: check out SaveDesktop. I'm not sure if it will meet every need, but it works for me when I need to switch.
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Dariusmiles2123 lemmy (AP)

Oh from reading what’s in the link, it looks like it’s exactly what I need.

I’ll go deeper into it.

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Dariusmiles2123 lemmy (AP)

Would you know why I'm getting that error? :


I've already allowed access to all system files through Flatseal.

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TeryVeneno lemmy (AP)
I think it needs access to all your host files as well, let me see if I can replicate that error.
TeryVeneno lemmy (AP)
I was not able to reproduce that bug, but I also did not change anything in flatseal, I think you shoulf just reset the permissions and/or reinstall and just try it normally.
Dariusmiles2123 lemmy (AP)

I tried it normally but then it had another problem so that’s why I tried to gove it more access through Flatseal as recommended on the SaveDesktoo Github page.

I’ll have a deeper look when I get the time. Thanks

utopiah lemmy (AP)

I'd happily give technical advice but first I need to understand the actual need.

I don't mean "what would be cool" but rather what's the absolute minimum basic that would make a solution acceptable.

Why do I insist so much? Well because installing a distribution, e.g. Debian, takes less than 1h. Assuming you have a separate /home directory, there is no need to "copy" anything, only mounting correctly. If it is on another physical computer then the speed will depend on the your storage capacity and hardware (e.g. SSD vs HDD). Finally "configuring" each piece of software will take a certain amount of time, especially if you didn't save the configuration (which should be the case).

Anyway, my point being that :

  • installing the OS takes little time
  • copying data across physical devices take a lot more time
  • configuring manually specific software takes a bit of time

So, if you repeat the operation several times a week, investing time to find a solution can be useful. If you do this few times a year or less, it's probably NOT actually efficient.

So, again, is this an intellectual endeavor, for the purpose of knowing what an "ideal' scenario would be or is it a genuine need?

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Dariusmiles2123 lemmy (AP)

Well I don’t distro hop so I don’t think it would be used more than once a year.

The only thing is that I would want the way I’ve configured Gnome, Joplin, Thunderbird, Gnome Calendar (only for the widget), my Gnome extensions, what program is automatically opened on what workspace, etc to be saved so that it could be reproduced on another computer easily.

My documents, pictures, etc are already taken care of so it ain’t a problem.

I know I could do the same thing by writing a tutorial and just spending a couple of hours every time I reinstall. But I would want to just be able to replicate my install/settings if possible.

Someone kindly mentioned SaveDesktop and for now it seems like the way to go since simply cloning with Clonezilla doesn’t seem to work. I just have to make it work.

Nanook friendica
I don't know how clonezilla works, but one thing I've discovered that causes issues when you copy a Linux distro from one machine to another, assuming you do a file system copy and not a raw partition copy so the new file system partition has a different UUID than the old, you need to fix the UUID in both /etc/fstab and /etc/initramfs-tools/resume before it will work properly.
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