Elias mastodon (AP)
Part of #Brunnsviken north of Stockholm #shotonlibrem5 using the #megapixels #camera app from… with default settings in #PureOS byzantium. The image file ended up as a 2463552 bytes .tiff file in ~/Pictures/ which I then made into a .jpg file using the "convert" program. Maybe @dos knows tricks to get better image quality? 🙂 (One issue seems to be that bright areas get too bright.) #librem5 #freesoftware @purism @martijnbraam
Not everything needed for nice full-res photos has reached the repos yet, it's very fresh. Also, you need to adjust gain and exposure settings manually while taking photos (there's no auto mode atm) to avoid over/under-exposure; and same with focus.
Martijn Braam mastodon (AP)
that's some interesting artifacting in that picture, does the sensor does that due to overexposure?
@Martijn Braam @Purism @Sebastian Krzyszkowiak @Elias I used to have a very inexpensive Canon that did this kind of artifacts around details.
Elias mastodon (AP)

> interesting artifacting

I don't know why it happens but it looks like that pink color sometimes appears in at the change from "too bright" to some normal color, mostly when the change is abrupt from one pixel to the next, when the change is more gradual it does not seem to happen.

Here is another example where that is seen more clearly. This was taken earlier in the day when the daylight was a bit brighter (still no sunlight though).

@dos @purism

That's typical for overexposured images. Can be corrected in dcraw by adjusting -H option.
@Sebastian Krzyszkowiak @Martijn Braam @Purism @Elias Possibly but it's also an artifact of some types of imaging devices.

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