Well, It's June 7th, two weeks from Summer Solstice and it's 48F outside, some fucking global warming we're having here.
Shoreline, WA, USA
108madhuri diaspora

As far as I know Nanook is an Inuit name... No use complaining at low temperature, so.

Been a cold year so far here in Ireland too. Hard for the vegetable garden. Things are taking off (growing like mad) now thankfully.. But hard to believe it is June...

@108madhuri If I were up in Fairbanks even this time of year it is warmer. But as it is I am in Seattle, well not exactly in it, 7 miles to the North but close enough to smell the stench. Not complaining just saying ain't no sign of global warming here. In years past we've had 80F weather in May, this year the first day that exceeded 80F was June and we've only had one.
This entry was edited (2 years ago)
Vee McMillen diaspora
It's 60 here in Northern Idaho, and forecast is 90 on Thursday. Yo-yo weather time.
@Vee McMillen It's 55 here now, normal temperature for late March early April.

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