The part that really caught my attention was how the Chinese are trying to report on the story unlike American media.
Well there isn't much we can do about the river, but we can shoot the balloons down.
Zero lies detected! The big issue is that they are unwilling to investigate their own railroads and businesses that are responsible for this total environmental disaster.
@J. Løvstuhagen What gets me is not the derailment so much as the decision to set it on fire. I've got to wonder what kind of drugs they were on. Well, no I don't wonder, cocaine seems to be in vogue these days and it makes sense as it tends to lead to rapid but not well thought out decisions.
The government is truly made of greedy clowns, stupid clowns, and clowny clowns, IMO. Everything makes more sense when you try to understand that all of their actions can be explained along these lines.
@J. Løvstuhagen I share your opinion in that matter. The real problem is coming up with a viable solution. Capitalism only works when you have competition and the Sherman anti-trust act that used to provide that is all but forgotten, it sure as hell isn't enforced. A lot of people looking towards communism now but history shows that only leads to universal poverty and a lot of death. We need to invent something new.
No. The government is made of cheese.
Not a 100% agree on this but I must say I like the angle you're coming at us from.

@J. Løvstuhagen @Sexypink Well there in lies the value of these kind of uncensored media, we can find areas of agreement and hammer out solutions to those areas where we don't, if we're willing to put up with the discomfort involved, and if not, well there is always farcebook.

Perhaps if human lives were longer we'd know more history because we would have lived it and that would leave less room for the victors always writing it.

Thank you. I personally know everything, so if you need anything just ask.

Very beautifully stated, @Nanook . Even if we will not agree on everything, I am all about the mission of making everything free, open, talked about, discussed...

I believe in some very conservative, right wing, even conspiratorial things, but I also am a pacifist, and I deny violence its legitimacy in every circumstance that is not about self-defense or the defense of the innocents... and I believe that "words can never hurt me."

I believe you are the owner of this here - I truly appreciate your hosting the content and am glad to be partaking in the mission of advancing the world through discussion and openness and, maybe most importantly of all, defying the gatekeepers and the censors.

@J. Løvstuhagen Thank you. I mostly agree with regards to violence, but I make exception for psychopaths like Bill Gates who have injured or killed millions, or Rockefeller who through various mechanisms has kept many in poverty when they could enjoy a much better lifetime. These people I really feel our planet would do better without. There is no known cure for psychopathy and I fear these people are so dangerous that merely confining them would not suffice to insure safety and given that they've been responsible for millions of deaths I don't think it's reasonable to allow further risks to humanity.
Chinese people eat Chinese food. did you know that? the more you know 🌈
@Sexypink @J. Løvstuhagen But you know what, I'm not Chinese but sometimes I eat Chinese food too.
For a while there, I was really regularly having Chinese food once a week - now it has probably dropped to once every three weeks. Over the years my Chineseness has fluctuated between 1/7th to 1/21st - not the sort of fractions you are used to seeing in a discussion on heritage but it still works.
@J. Løvstuhagen I have no Chinese in my heritage per se, none the less I find cultures that span back thousands of years interesting and took several years of Chinese language.