We've upgraded Friendica.Eskimo.Com to Friendica 'Yellow Archangel' 2024.12-dev - 1576. I don't yet know what all changes this brought but there are new additions to the Home menu, little icons in the upper right portion of posts that shows which platform they were posted from, and overall the response seems a tad snappier.
I attempted this last night but accidentally removed some critical files resulting in several hours of outage while the files were being restored from compressed backups. Because the backed up partition was 13TB, this took awhile to uncompress.
I endeavor to make this instance as fast and pleasant to use as possible, and for this reason it is on an 18 core 36 thread I9-10980xe machine with 256GB of RAM and nvme disk for the database. Storage is on regular rotory disk. All disk partitions including root are RAID1 arrays.