Derek Taylor 🐧 mastodon (AP)

Pacstall Is An "AUR" For Ubuntu…

Nanook friendica
Ubuntu has PPAs and therefore no need for an AUR.
Joshua Lee :gentoo: mastodon (AP)
would be nice if they didn't suck so much though.
Nanook friendica
@Joshua Lee :verified: What aspect do you find sucks? PPA's have worked fine for me. One of the reasons I left Fedora in favor of Ubuntu.
Joshua Lee :gentoo: mastodon (AP)
ppas depreciate get abandoned, on LTS's some even stop development entire when the first point release comes around.
The big advantage the aur has in comparison is that you not maintaining a package for the air. You just maintaining a text file.
Nanook friendica
@Joshua Lee :verified: But then everything that has to be installed has to be built, and while that's fine for you or I, not so much for your average end user.
Joshua Lee :gentoo: mastodon (AP)
not always. A lot of air PKGBUILDS actually grab existing .Deb or .rpm binaries unexpected them grab dependencies are repacked to the arch tarball and install.

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