Shoreline, WA, USA
Vee McMillen diaspora
Global Chilling. I can see the committees forming now, they will need a lot of taxpayer's money. They need to hurry, before we run out of taxpayers.
Nanook friendica
This theory was in vogue in the 70's, I guess it goes in cycles also.
Vee McMillen diaspora
True, the Ice Age that never happened.
chris friendica
I lose track of it, global cooling, global warming, climate disruption, climate emergency, climate change. where are we now?
chris friendica
(waffle... had another one somewhere 1970,80,90 etc.) ignore, just me waffling
Romeu Gamelas diaspora
We can't control Earth, we either adapt or die to whatever comes.
Like Chris, I'm tired of climate Nostradamus non-sense.
chris friendica
people tell me 'Aghh tides are rising panic!', well (ipcc map, since removed, 20 year prediction, sea levels will rise 16 feet, which means, where i am, i'm now 16 feet under water, that 20 year prediction ended about 3 years ago. and now of course it's Another 20 years (or is it now 10?) Again.
the global cooling was in the 70's, they tell me, Narr thats made up 'intrenet stuff lies' i say, no it wasn't cos i was there and we were all going to freeze to death.
chris friendica
I live by the sea, the tides just come in and go out like they always have. (shock, suprise etc etc.)
Digit diaspora
all the crying wolf induces a fatal slumber.
we really should just get on liberating the emancipation technology and get spaceships for everybody.
crazy that over 3000 times free energy devices have been secreted by the patent office.

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