Reno mastodon (AP)

I wanna see how far this poll can go, vote and then boost please! 🌐

How long have you been in the fediverse?

Comment if timeframe is not listed!

  • Less than 6 months (21%, 378 votes)
  • Less than a year (9%, 175 votes)
  • More then 2 years (48%, 861 votes)
  • More then 5 years (20%, 355 votes)
1769 voters. Poll end: 1 year ago

Sean Tilley pleroma (AP)
I was there since the early days of, back when toots were called dents.
Cheru akkoma (AP)
In November it'll be two years since I arrived to fedi as cheru
Rokosun mastodon (AP)
In October it'll be two years since I arrived to fedi :blobcatgiggle:
Rokosun mastodon (AP)
@tio, how long have you been on fedi? I know you used to have a mastodon account before moving to Friendica and then to your own instance.
Rokosun mastodon (AP)
Its pretty cool that all of these platforms can communicate with each other, so everyone can choose the platform of their liking and still chat with everyone else, fediverse is awesome 🙂
Coming up on 1 yr in August. 😁
Quad 🌸 pleroma (AP)
Good lord. I originally joined a mastodon instance around the Twitter exodus in March 2017, so I've been here more than 5 years. Makes me feel old as shit.
Phoenix pleroma (AP)
lol I joined at that same time but at least we're not gnu social old :blobfoxwinkmlem:
Quad 🌸 pleroma (AP)

I did make a GNU Social account way back to check out what it was, but never really used it.

I was on Twitter, but in 2017 they suspended my whole account for a week, simply because I made a tweet containing the word "fuck", which was the final straw that made me jump ship immediately

Phoenix pleroma (AP)
yeah I think that was around the time I had gotten my second suspension due apparently tripping some invisible spam filter (support would unban me every time I emailed them and never did end up telling me the actual reason)
I was actually following you on twitter at the time so once I saw you jump ship I did the same
Quad 🌸 pleroma (AP)

I'm always surprised how many people on here recognize me from Twitter.

I've always had the automated suspensions, where you sign in and it gives you some ridiculous page telling you "please delete these tweets". And then afterwards it tells you if you can start using the account again immediately or you have to wait a while.

This does not have an option for between 1-2 years. I set up this friendica node ( in November of 2020 after being kicked off of CIAbook for wrong think.

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