boredsquirrel via Linux lemmy (AP)

Bringing bootc to AlmaLinux

From the Creator of HeliumOS, a distro based off AlmaLinux or CentOS Stream on top of the technology of Fedora Atomic Desktops, Bazzite, Fedora coreOS and RHEL Image Mode.

This is a pretty big thing, as extreme stability + stable packages makes the perfect workhorse for an install-and-forget PC.

Together with KDE or other Desktop Environments (CentOS 10 will have Plasma 6 in the external "EPEL" repos) this will be more than a great Windows 10 replacement.

Have all your apps as Flatpak or with a Fedora Distrobox, no problems.

Maybe even an image using packages of the "CentOS Stream Hyperscale SIG" that backports newer Fedora kernel, systemd, mesa and others for improved hardware support, GPU tasks, drivers etc.

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Nanook friendica
No thanks, adding unnecessary complexity decreases reliability and efficiency. Might make it easier to migrate things to AWS, also a negative.
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boredsquirrel lemmy (AP)

Where is the complexity?

A compose file can literally be


# Add files from same directory
ADD somefile /etc/somefile

# Add EPEL repository
RUN dnf install -y epel-release

# Install KDE Desktop environment
RUN dnf groupinstall -y "KDE Plasma Workspaces"

# Install flatpak, podman, distrobox, and fish
RUN dnf install -y flatpak podman distrobox fish

RUN systemctl enable sddm

Done, build an ISO, push the images to a registry and you have made your own "distro". There are at least 3 implementations, on Github, Gitlab and Codeberg, so you can use their individual runners
This entry was edited (1 day ago)
1 1
barsquid lemmy (AP)
How can I get set up going from the Containerfile to an ISO?
Nanook friendica
I can understand the desire for it in Alma, since it's primarily a replacement for Scientific-Linux, and will be on a lot of cloud services, but anytime you add a requirement for something to basically function, you increase the likelihood that it won't.
1 1
boredsquirrel lemmy (AP)

What requirement would that be?

I have not used Alma in daily usage.

I think as a "just works" Workstation it is great, based on the giants, and bootc makes it even more stable.

By using EPEL, KDE, or even CentOS Stream and Hyperscale packages (which Meta does in production but I can imagine not everyone wants to do), you get more instability. This could be mitigated with the atomic structure.

Also, instead of full Hyperscale, the COPR kwizart/kernel-longterm could be used, which is the more current, official LTS kernel.

This entry was edited (1 day ago)

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