Shoreline, WA, USA
Eldo Lappe diaspora

All together, in 200 years, the three you stupidly attack did not kill 1% the people that your beloved Socialists did in 72 (1917-1989). Instead of that, they produced goods and services and distributed them widely all around the world; allowing Humanity to increase it's number, the expectancy and quality of life for the great majority. Unlike your beloved socialists, that terrified and hungered thousands of millions everywhere they installed your infeccious ideas.

Quit reading comics: Study.

Else you'll always be a shithead.

@Eldo Lappe No they didn't produce ANYTHING except DEBT, they loaned fake money to people and COLLECTED REAL money in the form of interest, and this is how they've been sapping the world economies. And when they can't loan enough, they start wars and then lend to both sides. Yes a generous lot these bastards are. And I am NOT a socialist. I favor capitalism, but with real money that nobody is skimming.
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Eldo Lappe diaspora

Hey, kid: please gat a couple of years and study how was the World, how many were we, how long did we live and how did we live before Capitalism.

Everything else is ignoring History, clucking smelly bubbles coming from the boiling process of the ideological manure they injected into your brain.

I've been there: there's a way out of the self inflicted ignorance and shame. But you have to go through your own Perestroika.

Eldo Lappe diaspora

As I can imagine you are not too willing to study, reading books, etc. I brought a short and accessible video. Enjoy it.

@Eldo Lappe Hwy whatever you are, I'm 62, I grew up when they actually taught history instead of butt-sex in school. One of the things we learned is how well Communism works, like for example the Bolshevik Revolution where between 25 million and 100 million Russians died as a result. It is invariably ALWAYS a failure.
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@Eldo Lappe If they tax hydrocarbons and allow the UN Agenda 21 to succeed, everyone is going to make it into the poor and sick corner. A robust economy requires a robust energy supply and hopefully green energy can eventually provide that. Right now wind is 1/5th the cost of lignite, the lowest quality and cost form of coal, and solar 1/10th, so the financial incentives are already there and more than half of all new electrical generation in the world has come in the form of renewables. Putting a tax on fossil fuels will only hurt the economies, slow the adoption of new technology because necessary venture capital won't be available, and drive the poor into starvation.
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@baptist_joshua_on_youtube Are you aware of the fact that the Palestinians who Israel routinely commits genocide against are Semitic? (probably not)
@baptist_joshua_on_youtube Your handle says it all, Baptist Joshua ON YOUTUBE. Of course you're not going to learn about it from Youtube, it's Jew owned media.…
This ain't Youtube, Facebook, or Twitter.
Eldo Lappe diaspora

@Robert Dinse

Excuse me for misunderstanding your age. On my behalf I must say that, as it has been largely demonstrated in your comments, age doesn't mean maturity, nor having victimized children teaching them decreases your personal ignorance; daughter of your ideology and prejudice.

It doesn't matter what the tale they inserted into you says, History is what it is, Capitalism is the way Humanity reached to deserve the name (human) and Socialism is the worst shit social and economic system invented until today.

About Israel: it is obvious that you eat shit and burp farts.

There's no worst genocide than the Islamic. They have murdered themselves for religious issues since the 7th Century, reaching to more than 11 million and counting.

The genocides in Israel's area are Hamas, Islamic Yihad, ISIS and Hezballah, and there is plenty information about it wherever you look for. I have been for more than a month in Israel and people of all religion, races and political ideas live together, peacefully and with all the human rights in the Chart. Tell me where in the tens of countries and 1800 inhabitants islamic world, you can say something similar at least.

Human roghts Agencies confirm that Jews (that never started a war, unless you considere the Raise of Bar Kojba against the Roman Empire, in 163 BC), have killed less than 20.000 Arabs since 1917, when they started to violently defended themselves of the wild attack of Arabs. In just two weeks, in September 1970, King Hussain 1º of Jordan, murdered more than 10.000 and left 15.000 badly injured in an operation against so called "palestinians", because he couldn't seat anymore: that inflated had his royal balls by your inocent "genocided". There's planty info about the reasons to acto so brutally with his Arab "brothers".

Besides, in case of existing, it would be a really bad conducted genocidium. At least considering that when all this started they were a few tens of thousands and now they are several millions crowding Gaza and Cisjordan, for joy of terrorists of Hamas and Fatah.

By the way: the Palestinian People does not exist. You cannot distinguish them from the other Arabs (that are a People with a single Culture). PP was invented by the Arab League in 1967, as everyone can know just reading here…

The article is not written by any rightist, but a former ERP (Trotskist argentinian guerrilla) militant.

It'll be a pleasure to go on exhibiting your ignorance and prejudice.

Eldo Lappe diaspora

1) I told you I have been there. Besides, I read independent sources. I don't feed my knowledge nor opinions in Wikipedia or partisan memes.

2) Tell the author to present it in Palywood. Perhaps they hire him to illustrate script fake news about wild Jews slaugthering innocent "palestinians".

3) If you want to know what happens in Gaza, start here.…

Then here:…

Eldo Lappe diaspora

Ah! And, one of these days, answer something that worth the effort to read it.

Just for a change, you might try to refutate something of the much I have stated and remains rock solid and unattaked.

poet1b diaspora
Looks like Robby likes misogyny.
Eldo Lappe diaspora

About your permanent suspention in Facebook, I used to receive the same treatment, and I love Jews.

It is a matter of progressism, not Jewishness.

@Eldo Lappe Glad to hear. Honestly, I have strong reason to believe followers of the Talmud are not real, as in decedents of Jacob, Jews anyway. But that said, facebook receives protection as a common carrier therefore under the law should not be in the business of censorship, yet they are.
@baptist_joshua_on_youtube If one listens to the lyrics the point should be obvious.
Eldo Lappe diaspora

Reading you deserves just a short comment: ¿Yes? My Granny used to raise chicken. But... you deserve more.

That you have reasons to believe that your ass is the roman Colosseum is a right of yours. But you cannot deny a milenar People's existance on such basis.

On the contrary, I can prove what I say, using the own words of four shitty arabs you surely love.

It is a renovated pleasure to show to everyone that appears your magnificent ignorance.

That you have reasons to believe that your ass is the roman Colosseum is a right of yours. But you cannot deny a milenar People's existance on such basis.

On the contrary, I can prove what I say, using some piece of shit arabs you surely love's own words. It is a renovated pleasure show your magnificent ingorance to everyone that appears.

""When, in 1948, the State of Israel was created in the part of the territory that belonged to the Jews according to the Partition Decree, it was not the Palestinians, who did not exist, who opposed it and promised to throw the Hebrews into the sea, but the Arab League.

In 1956 Ahmed Shukari, ambassador of the Arab League to the UN, had expressed this forcefully:

"A creation like Palestine does not exist at all. That land is nothing more than the southern part of Greater Syria.".

In 1970, Arafat explained to journalist Oriana Fallaci: "The question of borders does not interest us (...) From the Arab point of view, Palestine is nothing more than a drop in a huge ocean. Our nation is the Arab nation, which extends from the Atlantic Ocean to the Red Sea and beyond. The PLO is fighting Israel in the name of Pan-Arabism. What you call Jordan is nothing but Palestine.

In 1977 Zahir Muhsein, spokesman and member of the PLO leadership representing the organization Al Saiqa, declared in an interview with the Dutch newspaper Trouw

"The Palestinian people do not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means to continue our struggle against the State of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality, there are no differences between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak of the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we postulate the existence of a distinct "Palestinian people" to oppose Zionism. Jordan, which is the sovereign state that defined borders, cannot claim Haifa and Jaffa. As a Palestinian, I can certainly claim Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem. However, from the moment we claim our rights over all of Palestine, we will not lose a minute in uniting Palestine and Jordan".

Faithful to the racist tradition that led him to perpetrate the Hebron massacre of 1929 and other massive pogroms in the following years, faithful to the old friendship that united him with Hitler and led him to organize for him the 13th SS Handschar Mountain Division (a favor returned by the Führer with the murder of 400,000 Jews who were originally to be sent to Palestine), in 1947 the Mufti of Jerusalem, Amin el Husseini, Arafat's uncle, said before the special UN committee for Israel

"An additional consideration of great importance to the Arab world is racial uniformity. The Arabs lived in a wide strip that extends from the Mediterranean Sea to the Indian Ocean. They speak one language and share common history, traditions and aspirations. Their unity was the solid foundation for peace in one of the most important and sensitive regions of the world. For this reason, it makes no sense for the United Nations to facilitate the establishment of a foreign entity within such a deep-rooted unity."

@Eldo Lappe the Jews have been re-writing history for a long time. The modern State of Israel did not exist until May 14th, 1948 and ever since they've been granted a state by the UN they've been terrorizing all their neighbors and stealing their land.

Jews seem to think Hitler attacked them out of the blue because he was just evil.

This is rather like the repainting of US history to make the attack of Perl Harbor seem unprovoked.

The Truth is that ALL conflicts have two sides, attacks are not unprovoked, and if the Jews continue the same behavior it's going to result in the same outcome.

This attitude is the problem. It has a tendency to lead to lead poisoning.
@baptist_joshua_on_youtube Bull, they've gone way beyond the original borders. Doing the same things and expecting different results in the very definition of insanity.
@baptist_joshua_on_youtube that is a problem given who owns Google, one can't expect unbiased results there, that's for sure. But let's assume it's not, let's just go to the Talmud. What does its say? The goyim are as cattle and we are to be treated as such? Why would God "choose" a people when he created all of us?
I've watched videos of them bulldozing houses while the families were still in the house. I've seen them shoot children for throwing stones. These are not the behaviors of civilized human beings.
They own all the major broadcast media in the US, the media that does nothing but LIE LIE LIE. Now they want to support a takeover of our country. I want to see peace in the world, I want to see everyone get along. But I don't see how this can happen when you have a group that believes it's their God given right and duty to enslave the world.
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@baptist_joshua_on_youtube Well I'm not going to be a willing slave, so if you're idea of being blessed by God is bloody war, then so be it.
@baptist_joshua_on_youtube And anyone can deny their evilness. You tell me everything is fake except what you've seen, provide no evidence, why should I believe what you are saying is fake over other peoples actual videos?
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@baptist_joshua_on_youtube Again, nobody attacks someone else just out of the blue. It was the lock on the German economy that caused Hitler to do what he did and he wouldn't have had the support of the German people if they had not been suffering at the hands of Jewish bankers who are now doing the same thing to the US and most of the world, and when they piss us and the rest of the world off enough who is going to come to their rescue?
@baptist_joshua_on_youtube I agree there are evil and nice and Hitler failed to make that distinction, only those who follow the Talmud, and I would go even further, those that follow specific very evil verses and don't look at the whole context, were involved in the evil. Specifically, the Bible commands NOT to charge Usary, but the Talmud says OK to charge Goyim (non-Jews) Usary, and they are doing so, to almost the entire world, sapping the worlds economy just as they did Germanys. But the "nice" Jews have an obligation to police their own and they aren't doing it and so they can expect goyim will not make that distinction again and there will be more bloodshed.
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@Robbie I didn't scapegoat the entire group, I just got through saying there are evil and nice, however, when you look at people on the top of the evil stack, more often than not they are Jewish, every single major broadcast network is owned by Jews, most of the banks are owned by Jews, most of big data is owned by Jews, and I will readily grant you these people might be .01% of the population but they are patently evil and need to be de-throwned. It shouldn't be too hard to understand how anyone who believes they are "God's chosen people" are going to be at odds with everyone else.
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@Robbie They may not have a monopoly but they certainly have a great deal of influence at the top, like I said all five major networks, pretty much all of big data and most of the larger banks, a disproportionally large representation in Congress with 29 House members holding dual Israeli-US citizenship, and between these things they can pretty much control everything. It might be a very small percentage of the Jews that are these monsters, but a very large percentage of these monsters are Jews. Not sure what to make of that relationship, is it a genetic disposition or what?
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Why would God choose anyone so patently evil. For that matter, if God is perfect, and pretty much every major religion I know of starts with this assumption, why would he have created mistakes or choose one of his creations over the other? I think when you consider that the Talmud is an ancient Babylonian document, and that they worshipped Baal and would throw infants onto red hot alters, I'm kind of thinking this particular document explains a lot, but also the idea that you are God's chosen in some peoples mind perhaps gives them permission to behave in less than ethical ways. Forgive the hook-nosed stereotypical Jew in this graphic, it is the text that I really want to draw to attention, not all Jews follow the Talmud, many follow what is essentially the old Testament of the Bible under various names, but you an not follow both because they are at odds with each other, but look at the text, those that DO follow the Talmud, you can understand where their ethical issues arise. That said, this text also takes things out of context and you can get a lot of evil out of the Bible and probably any other major religious document if you take it out of context. But one area that I think is particularly succinct relates to "Usary", the charging of Interest, the Bible commands not to, but the Talmud allows it but only for Goyim, non Jews, and it is through this mechanism that a handful have amassed so much power and wealth. But it's not exclusively Jews, there is certainly plenty of evil among British royalty for example.
Eldo Lappe diaspora

I shall answer. Not for the biped brick that posted and commented (from now on, Mr. Brickman) but for the smart people looking for the truth.

It is not the Jews who have been re-writing history for a long time: History is alive, and information betterizes the report. Every week Antropologist, Archeologists, etc. find new evidence. For instance, about Jewish presence in Judea from the Biblical times. By the way: that's the right name of the area, at least since the Jews won over the Cannaneans, and changed the name from Canaá to Judá (land of the Jews). That was 3000 years BC.

The modern State of Israel (as Mr. Brickman correctly names it) exists since May 14th, 1948 and ever since they’ve been under attack by their arab neighbours. Exactly since may 15th, 1948, when armies of seven countries entered through the four borders of the just born Country. That was the first time Israel defeated them all.

It is completely false that the israelis have been terrorizing all their neighbours and stealing their land.

As I said (and nobody refuted me, because it is impossible) Jews have never started any war. NONE. On the opposite, Arabs have terrorized Jews, from every corner of their borders, and that included the absurd division of Jerusalem, from whose high buildings they used to shoot Jews in the other side.

That happened until 1967, when -fighting back the arab attack- they took the whole Jerusalem, Gaza, Cisjordan, Half Galilee sea, Sinai, Golan heights and southern Lebanon under control.

Once they got those safe borders, they dedicated their efforts to build the modern Israel; a miracle garden of production, democracy, republic, freedom and integration, in the middle of a medieval dessert of darkness and terror.

Step by step, they have negotiated (first with Egypt and Jordan) signed agreements and abandoned the territories they had gained in war, as previously Egypt and Jordan, that suffered illegal occupation by them.

There's no "Palestinian" territory occupied today, but contested limits that include Samaria, etc.

Arabs denied the existence of the Jew State from the very beginning, and pressed their people to abandon Israel, from where nobody was forced to leave. That is the real origin, in 1948, of the so called "Palestinians", people that I have demonstrated does not exist, and was invented as for the Arab League in 1967.

Two times in History there were very advanced peace and territory negotiations (Camp David and Oslo), both sabotaged by the Arabs of the PLO, the gang of Arafat and Co. Everything was ready, but... they just don't need peace nor territories: they need an excuse to go on terrifying their own people (much more than Jews, who have demonstrated that they don't kill them all because they don not want to) and receiving rivers of money from stupid Europeans and Americans, and smart islamic Sheiks, that don't want them in their countries, because they are actually unbearable.

As a demonstration of good will, President Sharon left Gaza unilaterally in 2009, leaving the whole infrastructure to be used by the arabs. When they entered, burned everything up, and started to build tunnels and attack with rockets civil objectives in Israel.

Mr. Brickman says that "Jews seem to think Hitler attacked them out of the blue because he was just evil.". I don't know what they think, and it doesn't matter here. Nobody cares about what others think, be them Jews, Arabs or Zulus think. The one thing people should argue about, is facts and opinions. Suppositions are too similar than suppositories.

I won't speak about Pearl Harbour nor any other issue that Mr. Brickman brings: it is an extremely old tactic of not well prepared people that knows is being beaten to death, bring new issues without having answered anything. Only newbies fall into that poor trap.

Says Mr Brickman that "The Truth is that ALL conflicts have two sides,"

FALSE. There are plenty of conflicts with more sides, Syria, Crimea and Nagorno-Karabakh, for instance.

"attacks are not unprovoked,"

When you say that something is in a way, it is not enough to say it: YOU MUST PROOF IT!

And I don't see any proof that shows that any of the Arab attacks has any previous provocation, unless you accept that the sole presence of Israel is a provocation. In that case, you are fucking doomed.

"and if the Jews continue the same behavior it’s going to result in the same outcome."

So, if I understand well, if Jews insist in existing, they are going to be attacked for ever and ever.

That's what I wanted to demonstrate. Mr Brickman is a Judeophobic as phobia-stoned as you can find.

I strongly suggest not to lose the opportunity to observe a Nazi in action. Learn from the lesson: if you study little, you may get your brains dry like Mr. Brickman, and shame yourselves in public.

Thanks for your kind attention.

Eldo Lappe diaspora


1) I am not here (in life) to discuss about:

  • religion. Less even which one is true and which one is false.
  • anybody's beliefs:
  • negros', dwarfs', balds', gays', Red Socks fanatics', etc, cultural, moral nor mental condition.
  • Hitler intentions, Pearl Harbour's deservability, how many pairs three boots are, nor the lenght of Archangel Gabriel's dick.

2) I am here to refutate the whole shit that the original thrown on us, by interchanging opinions well back-upped in facts.

If there's any one that wants to go on that issue in those conditions, don't hesitate in calling me back. Else, I quit.

Thanks for your attention.

@Eldo Lappe Well refute all you like but I will not be your slave.
@Eldo Lappe Yes you're here to further your agenda and fuck anyone who disagrees with it.
Eldo Lappe diaspora

@Robert Dinse

If you plan to refutate something, it is a very good time: my wrist gets tired going down and down with the mouse, and I only fiind judeophobia, whims, and drool revolted with no rhyme or reason.

I am here untill I decide to leave, and if you insist in farting through the keyboard, it will be for a very short time.

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