Hypolite Petovan friendica (via ActivityPub)
It isn't always easy to figure out whether you have progressed as a programmer or not, but managing to write a recursive function right the first try definitely is a solid milestone.
3 1
Nanook friendica
The follow obviously worked because here you are.
Nanook friendica
Few people interface both with machines and people well, you do exceedingly well at both!
Then the trick is to re-write it without using recursion!
Hypolite Petovan friendica (via ActivityPub)

Here's the problem I solved with recursion: I want to update a value in a multi-dimensional array based on a key path. The path is a list of array keys in increasing depth. The value should override the existing one or be created (along with the intermediate keys) if it doesn't.

For example, with the following key path: friendica, database, user and the value hypolite, I want to update the following array key: array[friendica][database][user] = hypolite. Of course the key path length is arbitrary.

I can't think of a way of not using recursion, but I'm curious how you would do it.

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