Shoreline, WA, USA
twig diaspora
Wow! And what's with the hand rubbing? When Lindsey Graham was doing it I thought it must be really cold in there. And maybe it is cold, because the soldiers are wearing knit hats. But then he stopped doing it when it wasn't his turn to speak, and John McCain started rubbing his hands instead. Distracting.
@twig I think it's liars tension.
twig diaspora
Ya, probably something like that.
@agentcasey hubzilla (AP)
@Nanook Yes, I think you may be right on this one. It's probably why they kept harping on about Trump being a Russian agent. Since, if the election had gone the other way, they might have been successful with their sanctions, and their proxy war of attrition aimed at the Russians. Although, despite all their best efforts, time and history, in their bias, made the final call. Viewing the transpired events in that light, all their actions and motivations are now laid even more bare and gives purpose for everything that transpired, between those years.

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