Playlist probs

It's always really awkward "liking" a twelve minute black metal track and thus adding it to my "liked songs" list because it interrupts the flow and rhythm of my usual liked songs tracklist playthroughs.
I have music from the 1600 to current in my collection of almost every genre except cRAP and HipHop, and I've got my player set on random so never know what I'm going to get next.
My music collection spans from the early 1600s to the present day and includes practically every genre except cRAP and Hip Hop. I keep my player on random, so I never know what I'll hear next. drift boss


I so use a lot of shuffle but I must admit there's random hip hop on mine. Not enough that I hear it with any frequency, but I must confess some of it tickles my ears.

@J. Løvstuhagen @wuckertrhea There is an old saying which I believe applies, "There is no accounting for taste."

@Nanook @wuckertrhea

I will never claim to have impeccable taste, lol

@Nanook @wuckertrhea

I sometimes say that I do not even like music unless its bad...

I am well aware that there is talented music, and then there are collections of noises that I just enjoy passing time to and that somehow play well with my anxiety and obsessive mind.

I think the bulk of my music falls into fulfilling the latter category.

@J. Løvstuhagen @wuckertrhea I'm kind of with Big Audio Dynamite's song Rush, "Rhythm and Melody", there are elements I want to hear in music, hence my distaste for Rap and Hip-Hop. I'll go slightly beyond that, I like more complex rhythms and melody's, a standard 30hz buzz beat doesn't do it for me.

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