Who's working American hospitals now?

As many as 10 patients at an Oregon hospital may have died after a nurse allegedly swapped out fentanyl in IVs for tap water, prompting an investigation of the theft of medication.

Officials at Asante Rogue Regional Medical Center in Medford say they alerted police early last month that they believed a former employee had stolen medication.

Some sources at the hospital told local NBC affiliate KOBI that nine people had died from infections, while other sources said there were 10 deaths in total.

Multiple sources also told the outlet the nurse injected the patients with non-sterile tap water to cover up their misuse of the hospital’s supply of pain medication, namely fentanyl.

How was fentynal, deadly at just 1.5mg less deadly than tap water? I seem to be missing something here. Are we talking Flint Michigan tap water? Else I can't make sense of this.
Tap water isn't sterile and most municipal water supply is tainted with numerous endocrine disruptive chemicals and pharmaceuticals...

@Nanook Fentanyl has some medical applications - apparently for the treatment of severe and chronic pain - so I am guessing that there were some saline solutions or some other bottled medicine with extremely diluted fent being used...

Those responsible for stealing this stuff may have actually not made any money because such diluted fent would be worthless. Unless, of course, they were able to reconcentrate it.

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