Odin friendica

Who are the racists, after all?

Racism is one of the worst forms of stupidity.

You have been deceived, indoctrinated and manipulated!

The truth that the globalist fascists, disguised as liberals and radical leftists, want to hide! What an elucidative and enlightening experiment!

Before a poster saying "Black lives matter", there is not a single adverse reaction from white people and much less aggressive! Whites just duly point out that all lives matter, regardless of race.

Before a poster saying "All lives matter", the reaction from blacks is to immediately start aggression, leaving the physical integrity and even the life of the demonstrator in danger!

The stupidity of some of the blacks pictured on the video is so great that one of them, before the poster saying "All lives matter", even asks: - "Black lives don't matter?", - not even realizing that the superordinate concept of "all lives" includes/comprises the subordinate concept of "black lives"!

The culprits in this situation? All of us, human beings, who have let ourselves fall into artificial divisions, whose sole aim is to prevent us from uniting around a truly free, just and democratic society.

We have been indoctrinated to hate... and so many have been indoctrinated to live in fear.
There's no scientific basis for race; It's a made-up label used to define and separate people.

Divide and reign is the strategy of all tyrannies, and this totalitarian, manipulative and neo-feudal globalism is no exception.

#Politics #Society #Racism #Democracy #Equality #Hypocrisy

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