It seems M$ really doesn't want people to keep using WIndows

I am currently using a legitimate copy of Windows 11, on the latest version. Just started getting this message after the latest update.

Considering I already have Linux and Mac as alternatives, if they actually pull my license they will just lose a lifelong customer. Their business decisions truly boggle the mind...

220 39 1
I used to run windows strictly for gaming. Over a year ago, I leapt from the flaming dumpster fire that is Microsoft, and I’ve never once wished that I hadn’t. Everything I need works on Linux.
71 1 1
Like windows for all games or just anti cheat games cause Linux gaming support is pretty great on most games that are not outright hostile towards it like kernel level anti-cheat games you should give it a try.
4 1
Anti cheat works fine nowadays, I've heard that the only problems are caused by devs/publishers that explicitly don’t allow their games to launch on Linux. e.g. Elden Ring and Apex Legends both use easy anticheat; the former boots just fine on Linux while the latter doesn't work no matter what you do
12 1
Yeah I don't really notice as I stopped playing multi-player games after quake 3 and I just keep playing quake 2 and Doom
5 1
Apex with EAC worked perfectly fine on Linux for the last 2 years, EA just decided to break it by replacing EAC with their own anti-cheat which is Windows only.
4 1
Just bought myself a steam deck. Gaming on Linux has never been so pleasant.
39 1
Nah I went LCD 512 when it went on sale for 419 CAD.
7 1
99% of what I do is on Linux, I have one Windows partition I occasionally boot into to play games, it is and will remain Win10.
27 2 1
I don't even want windows on raw metal, so I have a virtual machine for work stuff
14 1
@KazuchijouNo I had a virtual machine with GPU pass through that I was using for gaming but it got broken in the upgrade from Ubuntu 22.04 to 24.04, it seems the UEFI bios provided in 24.04 does not work with GPU pass through, and I've yet to grab one off an OS where it works to replace it. So for now I'm dual-booting. Yea I agree, not all that comfortable with bare metal but Windows doesn't seem to want to recognize ext4 so there is some security by accident there.
This entry was edited (4 months ago)
Shoreline, WA, USA
4 1
There are cases where Windows messes up with booting, rendering Linux unable to boot. There's even a recent thing involving GRUB that stopped booting up after some Windows update.
3 1
@Daemon Silverstein Yes Windows will sometimes overwrite Linux boot block IF non-UEFI and you install Windows After Linux, but easily fixed with boot-repair or just use a life distro to re-install the grub boot-block. I run EUFI so Windows just makes a different directory in the EFI system disk so not an issue for me anymore.
UEFI is also affectable:…
@Daemon Silverstein Never been an issue for me, I keep good backups so not really worried about it.
1 1
Win and Linux on separate drives, with no boot loader, using bios boot selector is the only way. Windoze has no idea it's not the only OS on my machine.
8 1
@metaStatic @datavoid @KazuchijouNo @Daemon Silverstein I've had them sharing drives for many years no big deal. If you understand Linux well enough to know how to install a boot loader if it gets overritten not an issue. If you're using a modern UEFI Bios also not an issue. Only an issue if you're using legacy bios and don't know how to re-install a boot loader.
This entry was edited (4 months ago)
Shoreline, WA, USA
1 1
funny thing about people, most of us don't want to reinstall our bootloader every time windows updates. Putting aside windows fucking up linux partitions in other totally not intentional ways.
2 1
@metaStatic @datavoid @KazuchijouNo @Daemon Silverstein As I previously stated, I have NEVER had to do this with UEFI bios. Early versions of Windows 10 had a tendency to create a new EFI partition instead of using the existing one and that could be problematic but even that is no longer an issue.

That's why I just use a VM, I skip all the complications of having to fix bootloaders and broken installs. If anything goes wrong with windows I just delete the VM. Arch barely uses any RAM, so even back when I had only 8GB, windows ran incredibly well. I've updated to 16GB (because I needed the 64 bit version of excel and I wasn't being able to install it due to RAM requirements). Ever since then, I don't even look back to dual booting.

Funny story, originally my laptop was dual booted, but I removed windows completely and formated the partition, and since it was at the beggining of the drive, and you cannot move blocks around so easily in storage (I needed another SSD or hard drive to copy them momentarily) I was left with a hole in my storage. What I did was, mount the directory with the VM image storage to the empty partition. So now it's kind of "dual booting" with some extra steps and with the added benefit of being able to use both OS' at the same time

[TL;DR] If possible, just use a VM

This entry was edited (4 months ago)
@KazuchijouNo Well again as I stated, I haven't had an issue since going to UEFI in 2012, that's 12 years so problems, and I also had a VM because it allowed me to move between Linux and Windows more easily but Ubuntu broke the vm uefi bios in 24.04, I do have a Manjaro machine which works (based on Arch) so am going to steal the bios off of it to get it working again.
1 1
You can always reinstall GRUB with Super GRUB2 Disk.
@daggermoon I just use a live boot usb,
mount /dev/sda1 (or whatever root is) /mnt
mount /dev/sda3 (or whatever EFI is) /mnt/boot/efi
mount --bind /dev /mnt/dev
mount --bind /dev/pts /mnt/pts
mount --rbind /sys /mnt/sys
mount --rbind /proc /mnt/proc
cp /etc/resolv.conf /mnt/resolv.conf
chroot /mnt
grub install /dev/sda (or whichever drive you want)

This is the way.

Whenever I installed another operating system (newer Linux or long time ago when dual booting to Windows), I always unplugged the older drive physically. Then installed it and plugged it back. This way none of the OS changes anything on the others boot system. And I choose to boot the drive from UEFI boot menu.

2 1
@thingsiplay @metaStatic Normally I use grub on one drive to launch all of the OS's from a boot menu.
Windows can interfere with grub, or any other OS can for that matter. I use an alternative boot system than grub, which is much more simple. When I install a new operating system as described before, then each operating system has its own boot menu and entries (like multiple Linux Kernels per OS or other configurations).
1 1
@thingsiplay Again, I've been doing this for many years without problems. If it's interfering it's most likely operator error.
1 1

No. There are cases which is an error of the operating system, not the operator. Windows in example did that recently (not my machine, I do not use Windows) by ruining grub. Saying it was a bug, but we believe its an attempt of Microsoft ruining grub with intention.

Just because you did not have any problems does not mean its the optimal and easiest way. Also having all operating systems and multiple Kernels and options to boot from for every OS in one boot menu is a mess. I don't want that ever again. Right now I have 5 entries for only one OS. Imagine adding Windows or another OS to it.

Its much easier and cleaner to separate each OS to its own menu, with the way I described earlier. Also much easier to replace an OS this way or make modifications.

1 1
@thingsiplay Ok well I've been doing this for as long as Grub has been a thing (since retiring lilo) without an issue, so not sure why it is a problem for someone you know but I'm going to stick with probably operator error.
1 1
You keep ignoring what I'm saying...
1 1
@thingsiplay I'm not ignoring, I am DISAGREEING, sorry if you're having a difficult time making that distinction.
1 1
There have been plenty of cases of windows messing up boot configuration if dual boot over the years, though it's pretty rare more recently. The last one was only a few months ago and affected systems using secure boot…
2 1
I can't think of any windows specific games I've payed for the last two years.
1 1
@mesamunefire I started playing a game called Flyff back in 2004, though I've had to switch servers several times because admins have become incompetent or discontinued, I've played ever since, currently playing Insanity Flyff, level 311 character Nanook there. I've tried to get it to run under wine but it uses a root kit anti-cheat so won't work under wine. This is soon going to be an issue with Win11 as well as they plan on disallowing root-kit anticheats soon. So maybe the game will adapt and then play under wine.
This entry was edited (4 months ago)
Shoreline, WA, USA
1 1
Microsoft has discussed the possibility of creating user mode APIs for the monitoring that security programs like CrowdStrike could utilize instead of installing a kernel mode driver, but they haven't said anything about locking down kernel mode drivers and I personally doubt they ever would.
@YaBoyMax I've heard differently from a Microsoft insider, but since I don't know if it was told to me in confidence or not, I am not going to name names.
1 1
I use an emulator to play Windows 98 games. That's the extent of what I use Windows for. Unfortunately Windows 98 is not compatible with the newest AAA multiplayer games or Steam.
1 1
Does the learn more link actually say anything useful or relevant?
10 1

That would be a no:…

I'd assume someone accidentally wrote 23H instead of 22H, and then no one else bothered to check it.

11 1 1
Turns out clippy can't replace all the people they laid off after all.

This message doesn't say anything about the validity of your license, though. Or am I missing something?

I'm not up to date on Windows versions, but saying Win 11 has reached end of service is... unexpected?

17 1
Maybe there's a service pack?
2 1
Seems like they resolved the issue - the license was legitimate.
4 1
That means you have an old version and need to run Windows update lol. Linux updates too. It says that every few weeks if you never reboot.
This entry was edited (4 months ago)
16 1 1
You realize that is a screenshot of the Windows update tool, right? Lol.... The purpose of this post is that it wouldn't let me update, saying that my legitimate copy of Windows 11 was at end of service. The issue has since been resolved.
6 3 1
saying that my legitimate copy of Windows 11 was at end of service

The screenshot says the version you use reached EoS and you need to update. There's absolutely nothing about invalid licenses in the screenshot.

Good job for getting upvotes on a "haha winblows bad" troll post, I guess.

10 1 1

I was frustrated in the moment because my valid license randomly said it reached end of service without reason. Not entirely sure this qualifies as a troll post... Search this problem, considering the thread on the Microsoft forums I wasn't the only one with the issue.

Please reread your comment and what it was replying to, we said the same thing.

2 2 1
I do realize it. I also think that if you need this much hand holding to use a computer that you’re goin to have the same problem with Linux.
2 1
How does sharing a screenshot of an issue with Microsoft's licensing server indicate that I need hand holding to use a computer? This is a Linux forum, if I had to guess every person here is on the high end of computer proficiency. It seems to me you are just a hostile person who likes to bully people online.
1 1
You seem like someone who spams lemmy with bullshit
1 1

You seem like someone who thinks they know everything about computers, but have actually never used or updated a windows pc.

Also, you seem like the only person on my block list, so.. congrats, I guess!

Why do people avoid using the word Microsoft? It's annoying when you use filters and people just circumvent them.
14 2 1
Update your filters, bro. M$ is used for decades.
6 4 1
Why though? What is the purpose of avoiding the filters? Are there shadow-bans based on keywords on Lemmy? There might be something I'm missing, but I only see this as a way to inconvenience people who use filters.
4 1 1
Honestly, I think it all leads back to the original character limit of Twitter. It's referencing that Microsoft is money-grubbing and power-hungry.
4 1 1
That makes sense, thanks!
2 1 1
No it doesn't.
Since at the very least the dollar sign replacement is older than twitter.
And it was done by people who compared the company to nazi Germany.
This entry was edited (4 months ago)
7 1 1
i'm afraid it's M$ or MiKKKroSSoft. your choice.
1 1

Are you asking why people use abbreviations? It's to save time. Nobody is considering your filters when they abbreviate stuff. As inconsiderate as that is.

Obligatory fuck Microsoft. Sorry, M$. Time is valuable.

1 1
If you're browsing Lemmy, you've got plenty of time to type an entire word. But, this discussion is going absolutely nowhere, so I'll stop responding.
1 1

You can write Microsoft like it's naughty with changing it's meaning even though it is the same


4 1 1
I made the jump to Linux a few months ago, and while there are certain conveniences that I miss, everything I actually need works fine. As for gaming, I don't play anything with kernel level anticheat, so it doesn't matter to me that those don't work on linux.
5 1
Which bits do you miss?

You think that's fucked, I updated and I get this message now that won't fuck off, stating I am both up to date, and missing updates at the same fucking time. Doesn't matter how many times I check for updates, nothing new is found, nothing installs.

You can hope they won't pull your license, but with this shit I'm just hoping they don't brick my fucking system.

19 1
That's a classic Windows update error if I've ever seen one!
7 1
No doubt, I'm floored.
1 1
Who needs a license when there's massgravel/MAS
3 1
Microsoft shouldn't revoke license keys unless it's a leaked VL key being spread around for piracy or the like. The semi-annual major updates seem to count as "versions" like Windows 11 22H2 (now end of service) vs Windows 11 24H2 (current). That said, it's a poorly worded error message and it doesn't help that Windows 11 will cry wolf at every opportunity.
8 1