Kernel Upgrades Completed

Posted on May 29, 2021

The kernel upgrades are completed and all NFS and NIS connections have been verified. The upgrade was relatively uneventful. Everything is back up.

I am in the process of upgrading vps3 because the version of Devuan has reached end of life and it no longer has repositories from which to receive security updates. At the conclusion of this process there will be about 1/2 hour downtime for it to image it.

The free public services,, and are back in service.

Shoreline, WA, USA
@John Doe I use Ubuntu for my infrastructure, we have an mx-linux shell server for those customers who like it but the majority prefer ubuntu, debian, mint, centos7, centos8 pretty much in that order, manjaro, jelinux, and centosstream mostly go ignored.
@John Doe I've played with it since I started out in Xenix 1985, then SunOS 3.5 and 4.1 which is BSD based. BSD has better networking if you are using regular 1500 byte packets but I don't like the way the kernel allocates memory and that's so critical to the efficiency of everything I do not find it acceptable.

Systemd - Poettering

I dunno why Poettering's systemd seems to feel the need to spread it's configuration and control all over my system like some kind of anime tentacle sex creature.
Shoreline, WA, USA

Shoreline, WA, USA

Tonight’s Maintenance Completed

Posted on May 15, 2021

All Debian based kernels were upgraded to 5.12.4.

This took an hour and 15 minutes to complete on the physical server hosting the web server because the iomemory drivers did not want to compile under 5.12.4. After much pulling of hair I found that it was a libc6 version mismatch between the machine that I installed the kernel on and the one I built it on. The DKMS module for iomemory required this.

Mail has been upgraded to ubuntu 21.04. Most of the servers here are on long term releases but dovecot was barely usable on the 20.04 release prompting a rapid upgrade to a short-term intermediate release.

The iomemory card is a special type of flash which is capable of atomic writes straight to flash used with mariadb 10.5 to handle an extremely heavy transaction rate. On disks the database would only handle about 400 TPS but on this flash drive it has handled over 10,000/s on spikes. This makes friendica and even more so hubzilla which is more resource intensive, function smoothly and rapidly post incoming messages.

New tickless linux kernels are available for Debian based systems at 5.10, 5.11, and 5.12, there are two builds for each, one a "client" build is fully preemptive and has a 1000HZ clock rate, the other is the "server" build and it is non-preemptive and 100HZ clock rate. The client is optimized for as low of latency as possible while the server is optimized for maximum throughput, get as much real work done as possible.

There are three .deb files there for each, download all of them then install with dpkg -i *.deb.

Thank you for using and We are here to provide an outlet that is opposite mainstream cancel culture and offers freedom of speech. If you are easily offended by honest open expression then his probably is not the place for you.

Shoreline, WA, USA
It's good to hear that the Debian based kernels have been upgraded to 5.12.4 and that the iomemory drivers issue was resolved, albeit with some difficulty. exhibit of sorrows

The package qt5-default has been remove from Ubuntu 21.04, and no obvious replacement is available. Is there any way to install qt5 on Ubuntu so that make xconfig in a kernel build works or is it necessary to compile qt5 from source now?
Shoreline, WA, USA
It wasn't there last night but I found the answer here:…

Open Source Git Server?

Does anyone know if Savannah is only a GNU repository or if it is open source software that can be self-hosted? If the latter do you know where it can be obtained? If not, any recommendations for a self-hosted git server?
Shoreline, WA, USA
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