Shoreline, WA, USA

Seattle Wants Tourists

And what could be more touristy than teenage thugs?
Shoreline, WA, USA

Nanook friendica

Libtardia Seattle

I grew up about four miles from this location. It wasn't like this back then. It wasn't a sanctuary city, and while it was still libtardia, there was at least some degree of civility which seems totally lacking today.
Shoreline, WA, USA
cranston diaspora

cranston is ignored

Shoreline, WA, USA

Shoreline, WA, USA

Shoreline, WA, USA

Shoreline, WA, USA

Shoreline, WA, USA

Shoreline, WA, USA

Shoreline, WA, USA

Shoreline, WA, USA

Shoreline, WA, USA

Nanook friendica

Congress Shall Make No Law Abridging The Freedom Of Speech

So how the fuck did we get to where we are today? Isn't the US law banning Tic-Tok exactly this?

Shoreline, WA, USA

Shoreline, WA, USA

Shoreline, WA, USA

Shoreline, WA, USA

Shoreline, WA, USA

Nanook friendica

Shoreline, WA, USA

Nanook friendica

Go Out and Get Forties?

Trying to decipher the Strokes song 1251, what does it mean, "We'd go out and get forties"? I tried Urban Dictionary but it didn't have an answer for this one, rare that it fails me when trying to understand some slang but it did.
Shoreline, WA, USA

Shoreline, WA, USA


Shoreline, WA, USA
108madhuri diaspora

108madhuri is ignored

Nanook friendica
@108madhuri My understanding was that it was banned in Ireland.

Shoreline, WA, USA

Shoreline, WA, USA

Nanook friendica

Nuclear Alternatives

I'm not 100% in agreement with Copenhagen Atomics, although I agree a molten salt reactor is a much better design, I don't believe a thermal spectrum reactor is the best, the nuclear cross-section of thorium and many other even (fertile) transuranics is larger often for fast neutrons than thermal. And there is the issue of the moderator. Thermal reactors require a moderator and deuterium is better than protinium (regular hydrogen) in as much as it is more resistant to absorbing neutrons but water, whether light water or heavy water is chemically unstable in the face of heavy neutron bombardment and breaks down into hydrogen or deuterium and oxygen. Then if these build up faster than re-combiners can re-combine them, you can get a hydrogen explosion, this is what blew up the reactors in Fukushima.

So I am more in favor of the two salt fast breeder reactors as advocated by Kirk Sorenson. By not involving water the risk of a hydrogen explosion is eliminated and the reactor doesn't have to operate under pressure. Both of these factors make the reactor much safer AND more efficient. Plus a fast neutron spectrum can transmute virtually all of the fertile transuranics into fissile and then burn them leaving only fission products as waste. Unlike the transuranics, the fission products have a short half life and will be back to or below the radioactivity level of the original ore by 300 years, turning a million year waste disposal issue into a 300 year issue and one of much lower volume.

This entry was edited (6 days ago)
Shoreline, WA, USA

Shoreline, WA, USA

Nanook friendica

Nanook friendica
Shoreline, WA, USA

Nanook friendica

Shoreline, WA, USA

Nanook friendica

Postal System Efficiency

I'm about 7 miles north of Seattle, WA, USA. I ordered something from Vancouver, BC, Canada about 100 miles North of my location. It was shipped to Los Angelos, about 1500 or so miles south, then to Utah, and now is on it's way back to me. Perhaps it's just me but there has to be a better way.
Shoreline, WA, USA

Shoreline, WA, USA

Shoreline, WA, USA

Shoreline, WA, USA

Shoreline, WA, USA

Shoreline, WA, USA

Shoreline, WA, USA

Shoreline, WA, USA

Shoreline, WA, USA
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