As Soldiers of Odin We are here to Protect You, Your Family & Loved Ones, Your Neighbors, which also happens to be Our Communities, Streets & Neighborhoods as well! We are one of you, the only difference is, as Soldiers Of Odin We have taken an oath to Stand Up for & Protect the Citizens & People of this Country, State/Province, City, Town, and Community…

Stand together with the only democracy in the middle east…

Google ingeniør står nu helt åbent frem i Project Veritas og bekræfter at Google er biased mod Trump. Greg Coppula er en meget modig mand ved åbent at stå frem…

If you believe in Canada as a country, and don't want to see Canadian values being thrown away for capitulating to sharia, then sign the petition below. We want the government to implement a system to make sure that their dangerous refugee plan doesn't replace Canadian values with sharia values. Please help stop sharia in Canada, sign the petition below

Dimanche - Dans la nuit du dimanche 25/11, Jesper Hård, un activiste des Jeunes Démocrates de Suède (SDU), a été violemment attaqué par un groupe d'immigrants musulmans dans le centre de Karlskrona. Il a reçu un coup de poing au visage et s'est cassé plusieurs côtes…

We Must Unite to Stop Islamic Terrorism right Now! Tell our leaders to fight ISIS with trusted allies like Israel and other nations committed to freedom for all peoples. Iran, Syria, Hamas, Hezbollah and Al-Qaeda are the same as ISIS. They are extremists who use Islamic terror to achieve their goals of world domination under strict Islamic Law

Stand With Ukraine! #StandWithUkraine Uniting against Putin's invasion and violence, in support of the people in Ukraine
Why the fuck would I want to stand with the NAZI's and the WEF? You can eat bugs and live in a 6x6 foot cubicle if you like, me, no thanks!

Det er på tide at prioritere danskerne først i deres eget land. Dansk Folkeparti

Muslims are by far the most abusive people. Their method of animal slaughter is the one that gives the animals the most amount of pain and it is unnecessary to do it this way but they do it…

A federal ban on the ability to raise debate for bringing in an arbitration act that could mean that Australia make the same mistake as the UK must also be debated in parliament. These changes must coincide with strict penalties for those who practice or aid in the practicing of Sharia law that cannot be overruled by section 116 of the Constitution, or anything else…

Når vi spør forfulgte kristne hva de trenger mest, er svaret nesten alltid: «Be for oss!» Vær med og be for våre forfulgte trossøsken! GI. Det er kun ved hjelp av gaver fra mennesker som deg, at vi kan hjelpe og styrke kristne som forfølges. Les om måtene du kan støtte dem på, her
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