Democrats Give Up

Democrats essentially CONCEDE the election: Nancy Pelosi demands “no debates” as Democrats face the truth that Joe Biden is a walking Alzheimer’s patient who belongs in a nursing home…
Nanook friendica
It's very sad that he is the best they have to offer.
I think they had better, Tulsi Gabbard being my favorite example, but she would not sell out to the DNC plan. Maybe once the career Democrat politicians die off, the party can move forward.
Nanook friendica
Personally, I think the party system sucks because whether it one party, two party, or multi-party, WHO you get to vote for is filtered by people who have vested interest and people who might actually represent your interests never make it to the ballot.
Ivan Peralta friendica (via ActivityPub)
It's unfortunate when people don't understand what misinformation sources are. is misinformation.
Nanook friendica
The horse has been dead for years.
Nanook friendica
One of the reason I put up a friendica mode is I got tired of Farcebook's "factchecking" dismissing sources because they didn't agree with their political ideology rather than because they were not actually factual. So say what you want but I prefer to consider the information on it's own merits and I am thankful a platform exists where it can be.
Ivan Peralta friendica (via ActivityPub)

Agreeing with your political ideology or not, bullshit is bullshit. So, since it jives with your political ideology, you want to play the political ideology card rather than find an actual source of information.…

It's very very sad when people can't see such an obvious fake "source".

Nanook friendica
People tend to dismiss things that don't agree with their ideology as "fake", closed mindedness. History will play out regardless. Dems are going to force us through a few more decades of pain. Oh well we all die.

I realise this is very difficult to understand, but when more reliable sources call Natural News "quackery", it's not because of ideology. You can't spout nonsense and expect to be treated seriously.

I think you should be forced to live with Trump until you've really learned how devastatingly bad he is for you. Unfortunately, that's unfair to all the people who don't deserve what total floundering malicious ignorance has brought.

Nanook friendica
No, your attitude of wanting to control the narrative is not at all difficult to understand, it's WHY I put up a friendica node where people like you CAN'T control the narrative and gave up on Farcebook, Twitter, etc. Wiki is a very left-leaning source, hardly something I would consider factual in and of itself. It's very rules, the forbidding of primary sources, make it a bad source.
This entry was edited (3 years ago)
Ivan Peralta friendica (via ActivityPub)

Any finger pointing you can do to deflect away from the notion that you can't tell a fact from nonsense, eh?

Facts aren't wanting to control a "narrative".
Facts aren't an attitude.
Facts aren't an ideology.

Wikipedia was a single example of many.

You should try and validate your sources better.

Nanook friendica
Your desire to attack the messenger rather than provide evidence that it is non-factual is "wanting to control the narrative", and your opinion is NOT fact, it is JUST opinion, NOTHING more.
Ivan, I recommend you check out another of my posts:…
Ivan Peralta friendica (via ActivityPub)
Access forbidden.
Strange. Try the YouTube URL directly at
Nanook friendica
The friendica link worked fine for me. Maybe it just doesn't like Democrats.
Ivan Peralta friendica (via ActivityPub)
But it didn't work for me, and I'm neither of your hyper-polarized leaners.
Ivan Peralta friendica (via ActivityPub)
Yeah, some of what Dore's got to say isn't wrong, but as with so many they're just so colour-blind that you lose an accurate view of a path forward. Trump is a symptom, sure, but to pretend that it was just the Democratic party is having rose coloured glasses.
Nanook friendica
Because someone's opinion differs from yours doesn't make it wrong or inaccurate. Last time I checked, God's name wasn't "Ivan Peralta".
Ivan Peralta friendica (via ActivityPub)

Nobody said anything of the sort, but you sure seem to read a lot in to the very simple premise that you don't get to choose your own facts.

It's plainly obvious you are stuck wallowing in your ignorance and how dare anyone point it out. Have a good day.

Nanook friendica
I've seen the same "Premise" on Farcebook. It's a "Premice" that is ruining this country. I didn't put this node up here just to have it turned into another Farcebook by libtards that want to control the narrative. They're entitled to their opinions just as I'm entitled to mine, but they have to understand that's all they are is opinions, not facts.

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