Shoreline, WA, USA
Yeah, people kind of freaked out about aids when it first became a thing too, before people understood it and before there was any treatment. Basically, people didn't know what to do about the new disease so they kind of freaked. Kind of like how people freak out about hurricanes.
The big difference is AIDS lacked a cure and people legitimately freaked out. Back in 2005 Fauci told the world that HCQ was a great treatment for SARS. Today, with his connection with Bill Gates and other vaccine pushers (for vaccines that don't yet exist) he is saying HCQ doesn't work, is dangerous, ... See… for articles and links that put the picture together.
Beyond dangerous, murderous.
Fauci is in it for money. He isn't interested in "Curing" anyone.

@John Ervin @Felipe Lopez John, your USA Today article is another propaganda lie. it is a lie by misdirection -- the fact is Fauci DID write an article 15 years ago, lauding the antiviral properties of HCQ.

your article says Fauci did not recommend HCQ for Corona virus in 2005, which is true. (it is also true that there were no serious human illnesses caused by Corona family viruses in 2005. our present virus, whatever you think of it, did not exist in 2005).

however, HCQ is (or was until last year) a mainstay of tropical medicine. people in the tropics take it in prophylactic doses. until last year I did not know (I never lived in the tropics) that it was used against viruses as well as malaria.

now with all that said, I would prefer better medical care if I caught the coof, but there was no need to ban it back when there were no other medicines and no other information.

plainly Fauci does not care about your health, or perhaps he is trying to help out with 'overpopulation'. in any case, he should be unemployed, if not prosecuted.

@BR 549 ☎ @Felipe Lopez I disagree, if fauci recommends or doesn't recommend something it's based on the best knowledge at that time, So, what Fauci recommended in the past would change based on the best knowledge at the time. That's how Science works.…
@John Ervin @Felipe Lopez @BR 549 ☎ If Fauci wasn't complicit in the development of this virus, I would be more inclined to take his advice.
@Robert Dinse @Felipe Lopez @BR 549 ☎ I don't think fauci was "complicit with the development of this virus" unless you mean something different from what I think you mean.
@John Ervin @Felipe Lopez @BR 549 ☎ You obviously have not followed the history of this if that is the case.
@Robert Dinse @Felipe Lopez @BR 549 ☎ I'm not sure what you mean then. What do you mean by "complicit with the development of this virus". I have to admit I am just responding to messages that pop up in my email and may not see ever message in this chain of messages. I also know that fauci may have said things that he no longer believes, but "complicit"?? Convince me. Give me data that I can believe.
@John Ervin @Felipe Lopez @BR 549 ☎ If you go to (NOT Google as they cover up deep state sins) and search you will find Dr. Fauci was involved in research with corona viruses at Fort Deitrich and asked for permission to do "gain of function" research but his request was denied. So he moved his research to Wuhan for that and coincidentally where does the outbreak occur?
@Robert Dinse @Felipe Lopez @BR 549 ☎ Please give links or references to actual articles. is just a search engine. (by the way, thanks for pointing out, I'd never heard of them)
@John Ervin @Felipe Lopez @BR 549 ☎ I'm sorry I do not have time to do your research for you. I write about what interests me, I do not keep bibliographies since I assume EVERYONE has access to the same search engines I do as well as public sites like and, john hopkins, etc.
@John Ervin @Felipe Lopez @BR 549 ☎ If Fauci wasn't complicit in the development of this virus, I would be more inclined to take his advice.
I'll go with reputable sources and the current state of the science.
If you want to die I'm okay with that, just don't expect the rest of us
to respect your lockdown or desire deaths ourselves.
@Robert Dinse On reading your message again, I decided that I"m not sure what you mean. I would normally say, staying away from people (staying at home a lot when possible), wearing a mask when out, washing hands and getting the vaccine when it's available next year was pretty middle of the road. Seems to be working as the rates are generally dropping, and I live in Florida.
@John Ervin Reputable you mean like CNN? MSNBC?
@Robert Dinse Definately not MSNBC or Fox News, CNN website maybe, CNN on TV no (obviously presenting biased info). I usually check the Media Bias chart I have. Oh, personally, I like NPR.
@John Ervin Ok, left wing "woke", yea not my preference but to each his own. I started this with the intent of promoting free speech so you won't be censored here but I suspect we also won't find much agreement.
That's pretty funny because usually I think of us as overly cautious. Also, the death rate from covid is not that high unless you happen to be over 65, oh, I'm over 65...
Sweden didn't lock down and now their death rate is lower than ours here in the United States.
@Robert Dinse I'm thinking that the Covid rate in Sweden took off after your messages.
@John Ervin I'm sure it was my fault, I mean what isn't?

and still says otherwise:

New data from Europe suggest Sweden's laissez-faire approach to the pandemic was far from catastrophic.…

@BR 549 ☎ There really weren't that many total lockdowns, the only ones I remember were in China and maybe Japan (I don't remember). There weren't that many lockdowns in the US, certainly not in Florida. Partials yes, even here in Florida. I mean Florida is famous in the US for having fewer restrictions than other places and we seem to be being rewarded with higher Covid rates. Figure that
@John Ervin @BR 549 ☎ UK and Australia have been pretty bad in terms of lock downs.
Yes was my take early on, but comparison to New York isn't a good one since a substantial portion of New York's death was really murder, placing covid victims in nursing homes with the most vulnerable.
@Robert Dinse Well, I didn't blame it on you nor compare it to New York. I think stupid things were done in New York and in Florida. I usually feel that the stupid things are basically related to ignoring the experts (Fauci and CDC) recommendations. I understand that keeping the economies going are very important too and that a balance needs to be made. Finding the right balance point is the job of our leaders.
@John Ervin Florida's death toll was 1/10th that of New York with a similar population, I think they did well ignoring Fauci.
@Robert Dinse I just checked and New York has had about 51K deaths while Florida has had about 34K. Florida has a population of 21M while NY State has a population of about 19.45M. So, I think you should check your facts. Unless you were looking at it differently than I did. I admit I only do quick google searches but I think you are kind of flailing about to make your points.
@John Ervin You are correct, my numbers were in error, memory failed me, none the less New York locked down, Florida didn't and YET, there were more deaths per capita in New York so even if my numbers are incorrect my point remains valid.
@Robert Dinse I wouldn't say florida didn't do anything, Most stores require mask wearing and have hand sanitizer and most people are following social distancing (except when they aren't), Restaurants are open, but putting people further apart and sanitizing tables between customers etc. We do have a lot of assholes who don't follow the guidelines, but the rest of us just try to stay away from them.
@John Ervin Yes but their moves allowed businesses to stay open while New Yorks did not, yet their moves resulted in fewer not more deaths as predicted by Fauci.
@Robert Dinse Yes, things said by Fauci are what they believe will happen using what they believe at that time. If you are implying that they intentionally are saying things that they (at that time) don't believe to be true, I'd say you are wrong. But as always, data and sources please.
@John Ervin I do believe Fauci WANTS along with Bill Gates, global genocide so no I do not believe he even believes what he says.
@Robert Dinse Then we totally disagree and it may not be worth having this conversation. Seems kind of paranoid.
@John Ervin Again I expected the shills would invade the fediverse, what they can't control, they will at least pollute.

since the virus is airborne, what was the point of the 'lockdowns' if they were not total? and, why were infected people not kept in negative-pressure BSL3-safe hospital rooms? why were they forced to stay on cruise ships and nursing homes in closed air spaces with the uninfected?

(one plausible answer is that the WHO and CDC were trying to accelerate the spread of the infection)

@BR 549 ☎ exactly, you are right, they were trying to keep people apart in an imperfect situation, like they didn't have the equipment or enough of it at first. Cruise ships at sea, they didn't want to bring a bunch of infected people to port w/o knowing what to do about them since there were no systems set up to handle them. I remember people freaking out about HIV at first when we didn't totally know what caused it (well sexual relations) and how to treat it.

The best bet currently for Covid is the old standards, Wash Hands, Stay away from people in crowds especially, wear masks when out and about especially in crowds and the new thing... get vaccinated.

@John Ervin washing hands is pretty much pointless, it is a respiratory virus and spread by airborne particles. studies have shown that spreading by contact with surfaces is unlikely.

and, infected people were put into close contact with uninfected people, even as hospitals sat empty. like I said before, it is as if the authorities were trying to spread the virus and boost the pandemic.

today, we still have 'pandemic' in the news every single fucking day, and a lot of schools are still closed -- even though we know that children's young immune systems can shrug off this virus with slight or no symptoms, 99.9+% of the time. and deaths by all causes were no more in 2020 than in previous years, within the limits of statistical noise. by now, it's just a clusterfuck of 'scientists', bureaucrats, and news/propaganda outlets.

as for the jab, you decide what's best for you. it either works or it doesn't work, you can't have it both ways. please note that they are experimental, still being distributed under EUA.

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@BR 549 ☎ The info about Covid being primarily airborne is relatively new I think, like in the past couple of days they've been talking about it. So, you could be right about that. It could be that washing hands is less important. The articles I browsed said "Primarily" and I see that other articles mention the Lancet article. I would still follow the lead of Fauci and the CDC. If the mode of transport is now believed to be Airborne, then they will probably change what they are emphasizing. Sounds like masks are a good idea then.
@BR 549 ☎ @John Ervin In the US, the death rate is 1.8%, so NO NOT 99.9% of the time.
@Robert Dinse @BR 549 ☎ I'm not sure what you are referring to. I know that death rate is about that level.
@John Ervin @BR 549 ☎ I am referring to BR 549's post in which he asserts 99.9% recovery rate, not in the USA.
@Robert Dinse @BR 549 ☎ The quick search I did didn't specify which country the results were from and it's hard to get good stats, but their estimate was that the recovery rate from Covid 19 was between 97% and 99.75%.…
@John Ervin @BR 549 ☎ World wide there have been 141 million cases, and 3 million deaths, this is a death rate of 2.1% or a recovery rate of 97.9%, but moreover of those recovered 1/3rd have some degree of permanent neurological damage.
@Robert Dinse @BR 549 ☎
That seems high, most people who recovered didn't even know they had the disease. Do you have a source for that stat? I know that older people (like in their 70's) are more likely to suffer from this on recovery, but what I read says a small number suffer from neurological damage.
@John Ervin @BR 549 ☎ I'm sorry I do not remember the source, it was a very recent discovery. Granted not all severe sometimes just something as tingling in toes or fingers, other times bells palsy or more severe.

@Robert Dinse @John Ervin the rest of that '99.9' sentence was about young immune systems. children do not get this disease, it isn't about recovery. if they succumb to it for whatever reason, they may get sick, with all the symptoms including neurological damage and 'long covid', but it is rare for a child exposed to it to even have symptoms.

maybe I should not have written out '99.9' because it has us quibbling over decimals. bottom line is, there have been historical flu outbreaks that were orders of magnitude worse, in terms of the percentage of population killed. for children, it is like another cold (mostly) -- for old farts like myself, it's more like a bad case of flu -- and us old farts also die of flu.

I am likely to get a flu shot if my doctor offers it, but the bureaucrats are pushing this vaccine so hard, and the Orwellian 'vaccine passport' so hard, it is obvious that there is another agenda behind it. and all you Karens can stop whining that I'm killing YOU, because MY life on the line -- if you got your jab, you'll be safe, all the 'experts' are telling you. I am not inclined to trust the megacorporate giants being bankrolled by oligarchs who have plainly stated on video that they think the planet is overpopulated. and then go on secret camping trips to worship an owl with the other oligarchs.

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@BR 549 ☎ @Robert Dinse We probably agree that there are agendas that we suspect but don't know about. For instance I wonder if there is a cabal of people behind the republican efforts in the US to limit voting for Democrats and Minorities. So many Gun massacres lately, I wonder if there isn't a cabal of people promoting that too.
@John Ervin @BR 549 ☎ used to have Agenda 21 on their website. If you had read it while it was still there, (I have), then so much of what is happening now would not be a mystery.
@John Ervin @BR 549 ☎ Ah glad to see it's back. If you read the document you should recognize much that is going on around you now.
@Robert Dinse @BR 549 ☎
What about Agenda 21 get's your attention. The PDF is 351 pages.
@John Ervin @BR 549 ☎ The end goal is to confine the worlds population to 3% of the Earth's land, have us all on vegan diets in six foot square apartments without heat or AC, and kill 7-1/2 billion of us to leave only 500 million or so on the planet.
@Robert Dinse @BR 549 ☎ From a brief overview of the preamble, it doesn't seem to be what I was referring to with the cabals.
@John Ervin @BR 549 ☎ You really need to read the details, not just the preamble. The preamble doesn't sound that bad, seems like laudable goals, it is how they go about accomplishing those goals where the problems lie.
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@Robert Dinse @BR 549 ☎
I don't know, it's 351 pages and I don't know if I want to dedicate that much time.
@John Ervin @BR 549 ☎ I did at one time and I can only tell you that I see a lot of it implemented in local and state laws and policies that have only been detrimental to my local community.

@John Ervin @BR 549 ☎ Wearing masks only reduces your risk 1-1/2 to 2%, and I suspect if you account for the psychological effects, people believing they are safe and thus getting closer to others than they might otherwise, it probably increases risk.

For me it is the neurologically damaged that concerns me more than the deaths, and both the virus AND the vaccines seem to be causing neurological damage.

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@Robert Dinse @BR 549 ☎ I think the strength of Masks is not preventing you from getting Covid19, it's preventing other's (who are wearing masks) from spreading it to you. It's more to prevent their coughs from spewing the virus many feet from their bodies if they cough or sneeze. At least that's what I've heard. Source control In the test in Denmark there were 16% few cases in the mask wearing group but that was non-statistically significant difference for the number of people in the study. I think this is where your Stats came from. Remember what I said about Science. I'll still go with the recommendations of Fauci and the CDC.…

@John Ervin @BR 549 ☎ Without debating the mechanism, the point is the effectiveness according to a Danish study was only in the 1-1/2 to 2% range and I suspect the psychology overrides that, i.e., people wearing masks believe they are "safe" and so social distance less.
@Robert Dinse @BR 549 ☎ Well,as I've said, I will try to follow the guidelines and hopefully, the problem will be resolved soon between guidelines and vaccines.
@John Ervin @BR 549 ☎ One thing is clear, whether by Covid or the vaccines, a lot of people are dead, still going to die, and a lot more are going to suffer permanent neurological damage.

@Robert Dinse @John Ervin

For me it is the neurologically damaged that concerns me

yeah, same here. apparently the virus itself does not attack nerve tissue (although there are some wild claims that it makes prions) ... the damage is from the inflammatory aftereffects of the virus. but it is damage, just the same. there have been reports all along about losing taste and smell, a very disturbing neurological symptom, along with fatigue and 'brain fog'... in addition to the thromboses.

interestingly, by the time these inflammatory symptoms appear, the virus is mostly, or all, gone. your immune system has kicked out the virus, but it left behind some weird polypeptide toxins and/or scraps of RNA that code for weird toxins.

not prions, but things the virus evolved to confuse immune system signaling pathways -- immunoglobulin agonists and antagonists. there are some three dozen or so interleukins, small proteins used by different white blood cells to signal each other.

if a wild virus does nothing to deter the immune system, it is quickly extinguished.

@BR 549 ☎ @John Ervin While that is true, it is interesting how HIV expressed an antigen that was also present on CD-4 cells causing the immune system to target itself, while the covid-19 virus seems to cause an explosion in type 1 macrophages causing all sorts of tissue damage through the normal mechanism of secretion of NO and other reactive oxygen species, but an inadequate type 2 macrophage which normally promote wound healing, even though type 2 macrophages are triggered by cytokines which seem to be overabundant. The spike protein of HIV and Covid-19 are similar but seem to target different cell groups but both seem to target at least one specific cell type of the immune system.

@Robert Dinse @John Ervin
interleukins = immunoglobulins => cytokines
(actually cytokines is a more inclusive term, essentially "molecules that do things, powered by ATP")
and yes, NO is another small signaling molecule that is part of inflammatory cascades. its half life is very short, in the cell-signal world. it's quite dangerous around the chemistry lab.

and many viruses have similar spikes -- if it works for them, they keep making it. Darwin at his most brutal. Corona viruses have this halo of spikes, that inspired the name -- HIV only has a few. others have other configurations, I don't know them all.

Oh, I just recalled from the virology course -- there are enveloped viruses, and non-enveloped. the non-enveloped viruses have their DNA or RNA molecule in a geometric capsule, a hard little package. they do not have spikes, but some other way of releasing their evilness into a host cell. (there are other shapes, sometimes long straight or bent cylinders) Polio virus is a non-enveloped virus -- scientists back in the '50s could crystallize it and deduce its structure using Xray crystallography. each particle exactly the same.

the enveloped viruses have a flexible lipid bilayer around them, an envelope, that resembles a cell membrane. it is made of material taken from a host cell membrane, but has additional membrane proteins, including the spikes. inside the envelope is a capsid, a typically icosahedral particle that resembles a non-enveloped virus and protects the RNA or DNA.

enveloped viruses will generally all have spikes.

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@BR 549 ☎ Well who is the major investor in Moderna and Pfiezer? Bill Gates, and who made the largest single contributions to the WHO and CDC? Bill Gates... Follow the money.

@Robert Dinse @BR 549 ☎
The top shareholders of Moderna are Robert S. Langer, Stéphane Bancel, Noubar B. Afeyan, Baillie Gifford & Company, and Flagship Pioneering Inc.

The three largest shareholders of Pfizer, J&J and Merck are Vanguard, SSGA and BlackRock,

I don't see Bill Gates or Microsoft on these lists. Easy to check.

@Robert Dinse @BR 549 ☎ I forget why we are talking about Bill Gates. Yes he's related to one of the Vaccines? Not sure what the point is.
@John Ervin @BR 549 ☎ He's related to two of them and those two are permitted to be used in spite of 2700 deaths and 175,000 injuries while Astra-Xenica and Johnson and Johnson are not despite far fewer adverse events.
@Robert Dinse @BR 549 ☎ Sources and data that seems reputable please.

as for the old article about HCQ, it was my impression Fauci wrote it back then, maybe not. but anyhoo, HCQ is a derivative of quinine, which is a natural material extracted from the bark of certain trees (very much like aspirin). when Europeans were colonizing the planet several centuries ago, the natives shared these herbal remedies. much later, of course, the Bayer company made a fortune on synthetic aspirin -- Zyklon-B was not their only claim to fame. (IG Farben was broken up after WWII, spun off, went through some name changes, and now everything is merged back up into Bayer -- a whole lot like AT&T but worse)

anyhoo, also like aspirin, quinine is a generic medication whose mechanism is not entirely known. in the tropics, people take it for tropical diseases without regard to what precise disease threatens them. also like aspirin, its beneficial effects are weak and limited, but still worthwhile for an improvement in symptoms. like I said, I wouldn't want it as there are better treatments available now. I don't think any sane person ever claimed that it kills any virus, but it does slow the spread of some viruses (by some combo of known/unknown mechanisms). The changes between quinine and HCQ affect things like shelf life, absorption through the gut, and metabolic fate. I think the anti-parasite effects are quite similar to quinine.

finally, my opinion: as for the vaccine, I'm still not cutting the 'scientists' any slack. (the bumper sticker version: science is the sport, and not the team) -- it either works or it doesn't work. side effects are similar to symptoms of the disease, it fails to prevent the spread, its benefit wears off in a few months, and it carries a small but definite risk of vaccine-related injury, including death. so, back to the lab, 'scientists', and tinker some more! this is my opinion. make up your own mind, and do what is best for you.

@Robert Dinse @Felipe Lopez @BR 549 ☎ Not sure which of us you are referring to. Could be said that we are shilling for different sides of the issue.

while I'm at it, posting semi-relevant comments to this rather chaotic discussion thread, but relevant to item 17 of the OP...

a frequent comment of mine, side effects of the vaccine are similar to symptoms of the virus...

my assertion is based on this: all, ALL, of the vaccines currently being administered under EUA, are designed to simulate an infection, but produce only the spike protein instead of the whole virus. it was an obvious vaccine target, right?

and this: apparently no one ever bothered to check whether the spike is also a viral toxin. and it is the toxin that causes blood clots (either spikes from the vaccine or from infection with the live virus). speculation about the mechanism of this toxin is probably a waste of time without relevant research.

many viruses create nasty little protein molecules that have multiple effects. a nucleocapsid that helps crystallize the viral genome into its geometric shape can also sabotage production of an interleukin to paralyze the immune system, as a (hypothetical?) example. Eva Harris and Janet Smith discuss a real example from another virus family in this episode of TWIV (starts about 14 minutes in).

well, I have some affirmation, in that KD agrees with me. KD may have found the relevant research.

Here we study the effect of isolated SARS-CoV-2 spike protein S1 subunit as potential pro-inflammatory inflammagen sui generis. We investigate the potential of this inflammagen to directly interact with platelets and fibrin(ogen) to cause fibrin(ogen) protein changes and blood hypercoagulation. We also determine if the spike protein may interfere with blood flow, by comparing naïve healthy PPP samples, with and without added spike protein, to PPP samples from COVID-19 positive patients (before treatment). We conclude that the spike protein may have pathological effects directly, without being taken up by cells.

neither KD nor I are virologists, so decide for yourself...

@BR 549 ☎ It would seem to be A factor if not THE factor.
@BR 549 ☎ And Hey Bill Gates is no virologists either.

@Robert Dinse
this is from the (preprint) paper KD cites:

Receptor binding is certainly responsible for cell-mediated pathologies, but does not of itself explain the coagulopathies. Spike protein, can however be shed, and it has been detected in various organs, including the urinary tract (George et al., 2021). S1 proteins can also cross the blood-brain-barrier (Rhea et al., 2021). Free S1 particles may also play a role in the pathogenesis of the disease (Letarov et al., 2020, Buzhdygan et al., 2020). Free spike protein can potentially be released due to spontaneous “firing” of the S protein trimers on the surface of virions, and infected cells liberates free receptor binding domain-containing S1 particles (Letarov et al., 2020).

-- and the people who wrote the paper are real scientists.

I wonder if this preprint will suddenly disappear?

not sure what 'factor' you are talking about.
@BR 549 ☎ In causing clotting by vaccines and viruses alike, not to mention other inflammatory symptoms.

@Robert Dinse no doubt the virus has other dirty tricks, and there's other nasty stuff in the vaccines.

however 'spike' is one thing that ALL the current vaccines have in common. some are DNA, some are RNA, some are Adenovirus pseudovirions and some are artificial nanoparticles. but all of them are causing spikes to be made.

So long Farewell, Aufwiedersehn, Goodbye--, Goodbye..., Goodbye..., Goodbye...

Just stumbled across this thread again, six months later.

Interesting to see how these statements have aged.

By now, we have had revelations from Rand Paul, who does have a medical degree, and more videos from Chris Martenson, not a doctor but a real smart PhD guy who knows his biochemistry. They essentially say "we told you so"..

It's looking more and more like Fauci, et al, directed the creation of this virus, and outsourced production to the Wuhan lab. Some evidence is circumstantial, but the foia'ed emails and financial records revealed by the Honorable Dr. Paul show conspiracy facts.

Whether its escape was an accident or not is sort-of unprovable, but the origin of the virus is not.

Almost every day now, we have new reports of vaccine injury. The shots are no better than a case of the disease, and may be much worse. The reports are censored from mainstream* media and remain unexamined by officials. And more prominent doctors and scientists are blowing whistles, to similar censorship.

There are a few islands of sanity in the world, in Scandinavia but the global scope of the 'great reset' persists. Australia and New Zealand are worse than ever. Canada is not far behind, but it's more sort of a 'me too' place 😉

* did I see a report the other day that CNN viewership was less than one million at one point? Tarl Warwick might be more mainstream, haha...

I don't think any of that is true, the Shots are still documented to be much better than the disease, the shots have not been show to have any significant down sides in almost all cases and are in line with other vaccines. We still don't know if the disease is of natural origin or created In a Chinese lab. And you don't supply any documentation for any of the information that you've provided above. (…)
@John Ervin As long as you don't mandate them for others, I'm perfectly OKAY with you committing suicide by vax. And yes any of us who have paid attention to the science DO know the origins weren't natural.
Um, I don't think you have any documentation for mass deaths because of the Covid 19 Vaccines. On the other hand, there is plenty of documentation for Millions of deaths due to Covid 19. If you want to commit suicide by not taking the vaccine, I'm perfectly Okay with it, personal choice and all. And yes any of us who have paid attention to the science DO know that you have no idea of the actual origin of the disease, because nobody here knows. I would suggest that you get vaccinated, it's the right thing to do.

@John Ervin I have lots, Medicare has documented 48,000, VAERS 16,000, any vax in the past was withdrawn after 50. I know these corporate butt fucks would send shills to the Fediverse, but at least you can't shut us up here.

And the reason we know this is artificial is no natural virus could possibly have sequences from Ebola, AIDS and Covid in one virus, Ebola in particular never spread far enough to have enough reservoir to overlap the others, and then to target the ace2 receptors so perfectly in humans when it supposedly originated in an animal, no that does not happen without laboratory help.

This entry was edited (2 years ago)
How come friendica doesn't have emoji's like laughing faces?
I didn't say it was natural, I said we don't know. I was trying to figure out if you were calling me a corporate shill when you said "I know these corporate butt fucks would send shills to the Fediverse, but at least you can't shut us up here." I'm happy that you have a place to talk. btw, you still didn't provide any documentation. You know, the scientists could be dead wrong and you could be dead right, but they have documentation to back up their theory and you never provide any. What they are doing is a process. I think the CDC, FDA, NIH, etc are too slow myself and too much of a bureaucracy, but I think they are honest bureaucrats
It's clear to me there is an agenda to kill as many people as possible, extort as much money as possible from those who remain, and anyone who promotes that agenda is a said shill.
Oddly, the majority of people who have died are people who haven't been vaccinated. Now if you can prove or demonstrate that the virus is actually human created and if you can, in addition, prove which group of people actually created the virus, I would give you some attention. But you haven't/can't.
@John Ervin Only in this country, in Israel, Iceland, and the UK which reached higher vaccination concentrations earlier than we, the vaccinated are dying in droves far outweighing the unvaccinated. And these are not counting all the heart attacks, the strokes caused by atril fibrillation that results from scarred heart muscle after myocarditis from the vaccines, the cancers caused by the suppression of CD4 and CD8 killer cells, etc.
@John Ervin Here is a preview of where we are headed (Israel) with the vax:
... annnd the NPC is awakened from its slumber ...
@BR 549 ☎ I'm thinking that this chart is incorrect. I went to the Johns Hopkins University site and Israel is dropping and otherwise kind of looks like other places. Go to and select Israel to verify me.
How come friendica doesn't have emoji's like laughing faces?

emojis can be found here, they are available to everyone:
if that's not enough, join a pleroma instance, some of them have thousands

@BR 549 ☎ You can use 😀, etc and it will be translated.
@BR 549 ☎ Thanks, that should be helpful.

You might as well just let it go, @Nanook , that is obviously just a single-purpose shill account. Nothing in its profile, and almost no postings to any other thread.

My analysis only differs from yours on a couple of minor points, but I think between Senator Paul and Chris Martenson, the globalist narrative (which never had any integrity anyway -- e.g. the "Schroedinger's Vax" assertion, has been demolished. It isn't science, it is religion, and at a cargo cult level.

What's even more worrisome than what they've done already, demonstrating that this shitty transfection agent can insert RNA in human test animals, is that the social engineers can have such a dramatic effect on such a large number of people... And, the next 'booster', or the fifth, can encode anything from the viral genome library, anything at all.

The various 'analyses' we have seen, have focused on foreign matter of various kinds in the jabs, but no one has taken a random sample to a sequencing machine, and done a complete verification of what it encodes.

@BR 549 ☎ I will make my own decisions with respect to whether or not to let it go. Sometimes I am just probing to understand if I'm talking to a human being or a bot.
No, have other things that I shill for, please don't under estimate my shillingocity. Women's Rights to choose. Keeping the government from making choices for people. Solar Energy and Electric Vehicles, Science Fiction, Computers and the list goes on.
@John Ervin Yea we wouldn't want government to stop people from murdering other people, that would really cut into big pharma's profits and we wouldn't want that.
@Godcast @John Ervin I'd hazard WAY more than 100%. With VAERS, only deaths that occurred after two weeks are reported because you're not considered fully vaccinated until after the second dose. The Medicare system has repor ted 48,000 and that's just among old folk or people on welfare since nobody else is on Medicare. I'd hazard the numbers are more like several hundred thousand deaths. And those are just the ones that occur in the short term. We also know these vaccines suppress CD4 and CD8 cells, killer T-cells responsible for cancer eradication, and I heard one OBGYN say the rates of endometrial cancer in his practice have shot up 20x since the VAX. It's a really bad product, but always one has to way risk verses benefit, and early on when the predominant strain of Covid was one they were actually effective against maybe it was worth it, but they don't work for shit against Delta and they don't work for more than 2-3 months, so the only benefits I can see are the profits of Big Pharma and the kick-backs the politicians are getting.
@scalar @John Ervin @Godcast I have found to be wonderfully unbiased. You can find lots of good info on ivermectin, hydroxychloroquin, etc, there.

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